Chapter 30

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Mama sat in the living room, glaring at every furniture in distaste. She hated how everything looked, and she hated how it smells. She remembered how she had been the intermediary between Maryam's grandmother and the incense hawker. She had been the one who had specifically hand-picked this certain incense that oozes in every inch of the living room for Maryam's grandmother. It's a big surprise that she had maintained it, even after all this years.

Maryam's grandmother came into the living room, with her shoulders slumped. She could guess the reason why Mama had visited. She did not bother greeting her though, she had quietly lowered herself on the sofa, as she prepared to put a gigantic mask of disbelief to any accusations that might be thrown her way.

"What brings you to my humble abode, Amina?" Maryam's grandmother asked mama causciously, trying to pin point any emotion she could handpick from Mama.

"As if there's anything humble about this kiosk, Habiba" Mama retorted, not being able to help the anger that coersed through her veins whenever she saw the one person whose betrayal had cut deepest.

Maryam's grandmother sighed softly, knowing the probability of having an insult-free conversation is definitely zero. She knew she had hurt her friend, but she knew she did what she had to do to save her daughter. Besides, she had not just shipped her daughter to him. He had exclusively showed interest, and her husband took it to heart even after she stressed on how pathetic it is.

"I understand you're upset and you will never forgive me, but I have made peace with that already. How about you inform me why you are here so we can talk about it. This visit is far from amicability obviously" Maryam's grandmother said sternly, trying to act strong. Mama had on a bored expression instead.

Both of them sat in angry silence, for some moments. Before Mama cleared her throat loudly, successfully getting back Maryam's grandmother's attention which she had lost to deep thoughts.

"You already know why I am here. My husband demands you help us unravel the mystery behind Noorie's birth. Your daughter is convinced that the child is hers, so we believe you were in it all alone..." Mama had stated mockingly making the other woman go rigid with shock. "My husband would like to know what you did to his child and ofcourse how and when you'll be breaking the news to your granddaughter Noorie" she added with a smug look.

Maryam's grandmother stared at Mama in both shame and agony. She hated how the table had turned and how Mama was enjoying herself at the expense of her misery.

"Amina, if anyone told me you would one day bask in my misery I would have sworn that they are lying. I would have sworn you would have my back forever" she lamented making Mama actually laugh in joy. The thought of the immense amount of shame and anger that would be directed towards her ex-bestfriend when everyone finds out what she did brought her an incredible amount of joy.

"And if anyone told me you would betray my trust, and marry off your daughter to my husband, I would have sworn they were lying. Listen Habiba, this is not why I am here. I am here because I want to know what happened that day. We all deserve to know how Noorie came into my home when she shares nothing with my children.

Maryam's grandmother jerked up dramatically, trying to sway Mama's attention, but ofcourse Mama did her math before she visited. She knew she wasn't wrong, something had happened that day. She had informed her husband, but like always he shrugged it off, saying she was always poke nosing into things that weren't her concern.
"If you came to insult me in my home, I would appreciate it if you leave. I will not allow you conjure up stories that aren't true. Get out" she had stated pointing to the door.

Mama scoffed.
"Stories that aren't true? Do I look like a tale teller?"

Maryam's grandmother shrugged, but she was so stiff it's obvious Mama was striking a chord.

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