Chapter 29

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The words echoed in Mummy's head as she laid motionlessly on the bed, staring at the ceiling. She had never ever thought it would get to this. She winced when a sharp pain pierced her ears, her daughter really surprised her today.

"Why must I always be the one to sacrifice my happiness for someone else, and it's not like any of them recognizes my sacrifice, so why should I do it? I've always done everything you asked of me, I do not complain when you make choices for me, why do I have to be the one whose life you tamper with at every given opportunity?" Maryam had asked coldly staring at her mother who was taken aback by Maryam's boldness.

"This is for the good of the family, you said you did not like Iman from the beginning. Why are you making things difficult now?" Her mother yelled thinking she could rattle Maryam but unknown to her, her obedient and loyal daughter had had enough.

Maryam stared at her mother bewilderedly. She cocked a brow, with no fear at all.

"Well, I like him now, when you forced me into your car, took me to his house, I did not complain at all, I stomached it in. When I keep telling you that I had Khalid then, you cursed and yelled at me. You told me severally that you will never accept my own choice. And then just when things started becoming rosy, when I have finally started coming to terms with the choice you forced on me, you cast me away like you always do and introduce Noorie, telling me to leave him to her as if it was some veil or shoe. Flash news mommy, I will not leave him for Noorie not even if her life depended on it" Maryam yelled louder than she had the first time.

Her grandmother and Khalid had quickly came out of the living room to witness what was going on. They did hear them talking, but nobody expected Maryam's voice resonating through the residence and thankfully, Grandpa had gone out with one of Maryam's uncles.

Maryam doesn't shout you see!

"How dare you raise your voice at me. I carried you for nine good months in my womb. I am your mother........."

"You've never ever been a mother to me, and you will not be one today. You have always casted me aside, you have always preferred your other children with Baba Matazu than me. You have always hated me, even though I deserved the most of your love since I am the orphan in their midst. You have done nothing but make my life a living hell, you allowed my younger ones bully me. Even if Mama's children bullied me, you've never intervened, I would not hold you to that though because I've assumed you are scared of Mama's wrath. But you watched Noorie bully her way into things that clearly belonged to me without saying a word. You have watched Aliyah insult me while growing up and you've never ever intervened. You have watched Mama hit me without you doing a thing and you call yourself my mother. Don't patronize me, if you're joking you should stop!" Maryam rambled looking straight into her mother's eyes.

"Maryam I gave you life, you should be thankful......"

"Life?" Maryam asked incredulously.

"Yes, I gave you life. You should be thankful and you should accept whatever it is I lay down for you because I birthed you!" Her mother seethed. She hated how she was bantering words with Maryam. She hated how Maryam was replying to every statement like it's a joke. She wasn't joking when she made up her mind about Iman, and even though Maryam's reaction did not mirror what she was expecting, she wasn't going to give up now.

"You should have killed me when I was a baby, you should have strangled me, smother me or stab me! It would have been better than these horrifying years I've had to live with you. You should have sent me to an early grave, I am better of dead than having you for a m......"

Maryam's mother raised her hands in an attempt to slap Maryam, but Maryam caught her hand mid air making the older woman whimper in shock.

"Today is the last time you will ever raise your hands on me and it marks the last day you will ever try to manipulate your ways into my decision making. I kept giving you chances to change towards me, I kept creating excuses for you, even when it was clear, you have none for maltreating me. Today has marked the last day you will meddle with my choices and expect me to sit, fold my hands and watch you do so" Maryam had seethed making her mother stare at her bewilderedly. She flung her mother's hand away making the older woman stagger, and the spectators shocked beyond their whim. When Mommy noticed Khalid, her mother and Baba Direba staring at the scenario, she slumped feigning whirly.

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