Chapter 24

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"Ya Tanzeel!" Zarah shrieked angrily making her older sister turn on her. She stood her grounds and stared at her sister right in the eye. "I ruined your dress, why did you have to slap her?" She questioned making Tanzeel stare at her in disbelief. "You obviously grew chubbier than the measurements, why did you not call the attention of the designer so he can alter it for you......"

"Zarah, I will let this your insolent behaviour go, but the very next time you ever talk to me in this manner ever again, I will discipline you" she seethed and hissed loudly before yelling out the designers name who came running.

Maryam remained still, she could not believe this day that had started beautifully was already crashing down even before the event starts. A tear escaped her eyes, and then another and before she could stop it, full blown sobs escaped her mouth. Zarah engulfed her in a hug, trying to pacify her but it only hurt Maryam more.

Just then, Tauhida returned with a silver Asoeke, when she saw Maryam crying, she rolled her eyes and groaned loudly. She entered the fitting room, where she heard Tanzeel giving instructions to the designer.
"What did she do again?" Tauhida asked rather loudly so Maryam would hear, Tanzeel just hissed and continued instructing the designer. Zarah held onto Maryam's hand and they exited the fashion house, they sat in the car waiting for the two girls to be done with what they were doing.

"I should not have followed you" Maryam said through sniffs, and Zarah hushed her. "I should have followed my instinct and remained at home. This would not have happened. Everyone was watching, the last time I felt this out of place was in p-school" she lamented and wiped the tears.

Zarah opened her mouth multiple times, but closed it knowing she could not say any tangible thing that would uplift Maryam's foul mood. Zarah's phone started to ringing, she picked it up and hissed softly before answering. Her older sister was yelling at her to come back into the fashion house to pick out her siblings clothes as she was the one who had brought it. She replied coldly before ending the call.

"I'll be right back" Zarah had said to Maryam. She swiftly went back into the fashion house leaving Maryam all alone in the car. Maryam replayed the scenario over and over again. She remembered vividly how Mama had warned her children not to disrespect her anymore. Ya Tanzeel did not get the memo because she wasn't around,  when she came back, Maryam was not around so she hadn't seen her enough to bully her. When Maryam and Zarah came back home together, Ya Tanzeel did not hide her surprise but she immediately started picking on Maryam. Maryam wiped her tears again, and then a lump formed itself in her throat, she started crying again.

Meanwhile, when Iman ended the call with Maryam, he immediately closed his office and headed straight to the parking lot. On his way there he met with an older doctor popularly known as Doctor Mike. The truth is Doctor Mike is nobody's favorite person mostly because he tries to take advantage of everyone. An example is right now, where he solely decided to thumb a ride with Iman the moment he saw him leaving. When Iman noticed him smiling, he groaned in his mind. He knew the man wanted something.

"I guess you're leaving now. Can you drop me off at the junction?" He had asked and Iman nodded politely. The man loves to suffer, he own a beautiful car yet, he will not use it but goes about begging people for lifts.

Iman knew the man wasn't going to drop off at the junction so he calmly asked where he wanted to go. The man had described a plaza where furnitures are made, which thankfully is aligned with where Iman is going.

Doctor Mike went on and on about how he did not like some of the doctors, he actually had alot to say about each and everyone of them. He complained bitterly about how they gossip about him, as if that wasn't exactly what he was doing at the moment.

The other woman's DAUGHTER Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora