Chapter 27

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You guys😂

Your comments are just entertaining 😂. The amount of violence you're ready to engage in is actually entertaining 😂

So, I would allow the notifications to pile up, then I'll go ahead and have fun in the comment section. You guys are amazing 😅

Thank you very much for your support. I will forever be grateful and I promise, there's no single one of you I am not grateful for.

Thank you for making my book livelier. I really appreciate your efforts.

Thank you ❤️

Janan banged Iman's car door rather loudly, startling him. He had been buried in his thoughts that he hadn't even noticed his father standing on the porch. On looking up to see his father, Iman reversed his car out of the house and headed back to Bash's place. He had had enough drama for a day. Another one would really make him loose it. Besides he and Bash had alot to discuss. They weren't opportune to talk about the big elephant in the room because of Janan's presence. He had dropped Bash home before heading home with the intention of sleeping really well. That plan flew out of the window the moment he had seen his mother fuming.

"What brings you here today?" Janan called out as she catwalked towards him with an evident frown. Junaid sighed softly, shifted to the side so she could open up the house for both of them.

"Good Evening to you too Janan" he had stated with a smile, which she did not return. He watched the retreating posterior of Iman's car. His child would never respect him obviously, he could not even stop to exchange pleasantries with him.

Janan was standing inside with her hands akimbo, waiting for Junaid to enter. He had been carried away by Iman's car that he had forgotten she was still by the door waiting for him to come inside. She cleared her throat loudly snapping him out of his short term trance. He apologized softly before coming inside. She secured the door behind him, she removed her veil from her head.

"Why are you here alone? Doesn't your therapist follow you everywhere you go" Janan had stated absentmindedly, sounding like a jealous brat. Junaid smiled a little and moved towards her, making her take a step backwards. He brought out an envelope from his pocket and she peered at it with keen interest.

"Jay, I brought this" he said handing it to her. She collected the envelope staring at it skeptically. She recognized that only invitations look like this. Her heart gave a thud, and she opened the envelope trying really hard not to shake. Her heart had already hinted her the contents of that envelope.

Written boldly was his name and that of the therapist, inviting people to their wedding fatiha and then a small reception after the wedding fatiha. The paper fell from her hands before she could stop it. She looked down immediately, and tried picking it up. But her veil fell and she scrambled to pick them up but her bag slipped from her hands and the contents spilled. Tears brimmed her eyes and it became hard for her to see the contents.

Junaid watched as she picked up the things helplessly, when they kept falling from her hand, she remained on the floor and soon her body started raking as cries escaped her mouth. She clasped her hand on her mouth, but it didn't stop the crying. Junaid knelt on the floor with her, started picking up everything, carefully placing them in her bag which she cried. When he was done, he remained on the floor watching her.

"Jay, if you tell me not to do it. I promise I will cancel it right away" he had whispered. She heard him but she could not bring herself to reply. She could not bring her self to be the reason for another woman's unhappiness. It's obvious the therapist fancies him so much. It would break her if he ends things with her. "Jay, please don't let me do this. I will die" he whispered and she cried more. They remained seated on the floor as he awaited her reply.

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