Chapter 18

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Diijahyb dblackvirgo
Thank you two so much for clouding my chapters with your bazzilion comments❤️
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Thank you so much for the support ❤️

Iman stared at his reflection on the mirror tiredly, as he hooked the cufflinks on his perfect white Shadda¹. On the vanity laid his white with very little perches of emerald green designed Hulla². He had on his silver Armani watch with bling surrounding the timer display.

Today is the day he is supposed to go see Maryam. His anger, shouts and frustration refused to work on his family. They all maintained the stance that he needed to go see her first and be the judge. With the evident frown, he yanked open the drawer and brought out a bottle of perfume among the numerous he has. He sprayed it a little too closely to his face and behold! It choked him. He coughed loudly for a few seconds before putting the cap of the perfume back on it's bottle with a soft hiss he threw it back to where it came from. If getting him married wasn't killing him, the perfume felt ever ready to do the needful.

     "If you're trying to murder yourself, perfume doesn't really do it" Islam joked, standing by the door frame. Iman glared at him, but Islam wasn't fazed at all.

     "If you're going to keep standing by the door frame please disappear before I squeezed the life out of you" he threatened and Islam chuckled. He trailed into the room and sat on Iman's bed while Iman combed through his hair. It is definitely due for a cut, but his busy schedule had refrained him from getting one.

     "What is her name?" Islam asked making Iman go still for a moment.

     "How the heck am I supposed to know that? I was so busy expressing how I hate the idea of being in the middle of a matchmaking experiment I did not ask" he grumbled rolling his eyes.

After his mother had announced how a match had been found, he had gone still for a moment before he told her he wasn't interested. His mother calmly explained that his father's friend practically raised the girl and he could vouch for her more than he can vouch for his own biological children. One would think this statement would at least unnerve him but it did absolutely nothing. Infact, Iman found it absurd that he wasn't even getting a daughter but a relative.

He held his ground that he wasn't interested in the match up, soon voices started rising and both him and his mother had become angry.

She kept on stressing on the fact that he needed to even go see her first, if he doesn't like what he sees, then he should back out. He on the other hand wasn't at all interested in the fact that he had to go see her.

When neither Iman nor his mother came to any conclusion or an understanding, she marched to her room and called his father who came straight away. She did not bother staying in the living room, knowing her emotions will be all over the place. She waited to hear shouts or argument, but it seems Iman could actually have a conversation with his father in a better way.

It did sound so fishy, so she came out of her room and ofcourse her son was nowhere to be found.
     "He walked out on me" his father stated with a chuckle making her heart give a squeeze. "We are both weird Janan, how on Earth did we believe he would listen to me?" He added and she sighed. They sat quietly watching NatGeo wild on the TV. Actually Janan was watching NatGeo, but Junaid was watching her. She looked the same, just a bit chubbier but not a single thing had changed for him.

He loves her the same way he's loved her all those years, and finding help had been the best thing he had ever done for himself. His therapist had been so helpful and she had been the one who had asked him to go make peace with Janan, hence he travelled to London for that purpose. Even though it had been really hard and frustrating at a point, it actually paid off. They're here now and he's seated beside her and she isn't even planning on murdering him.

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