Chapter 40

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Mubaraq shifted uncomfortably, his head bowed down showing total submission. He could not believe he allowed Janan talk him into meeting her father. Not after the awkward meeting where her father kept trying to put him down with his statements and the glares. He did succeed because he had stood there like a statue and allowed the older man paint a picture about him. He felt defending himself would make him seem rude. Ofcourse Janan's father added "spineless" to the never ending list of his flaws.

Her mother had been the nicest one of them all. She's been asking about his daughter, and his parents. She even managed to make a small joke where he dared to smile. Ofcourse the smile had disappeared the very moment he met her siblings hostile expressions. They weren't keen on his visit obviously. Infact they were only seated in that living room because Janan threatened them with their various secrets.

Her father ofcourse mounted himself in his bedroom, refusing to come out. He has told his wife to let him be and that he would come see the guest when he deemed fit. Janan's pleas and little tears went on deaf ears. Infact he had dialled a friend of his to keep himself from hearing her whining.

Mubaraq took a peak at his watch. It's been an hour and ofcourse the only people who has spoken to him had been Janan and her mother. He inhaled again, trying to soothe his nerves. He's not always been this calm.
Being an only child took a toll on him because he got away with everything thereby making him into a spoilt brat. He had very little friends, the rest only hung out with him because of the benefits that came with it. His father was quite extra and generous in spending for him, hence the leeches he thought were his friends.

Securing admission in to a private University did not prove futile, because his father would do anything for him. Ignoring the fact that he had to study, he partied his way out of the university. His friends remained in school, leaving him without a certificate to strife for.

He was not bothered at first, but after trying to get in touch with his "friends" the responses he got hurt him. It was either they were too busy to be available or they had important tasks to complete. Suddenly, he wasn't the "gee" anymore. They all avoided him, because he had been the scape goat in the situation. The only person who had stayed by him had been his girlfriend, the mother of his daughter. The girl whom he had partied with, and had he equally been withdrawn and ofcourse still hadn't learnt her lesson.

Being deserted had hurt him beyond his thoughts. He could not believe the people who begged him to hang out with them are the ones declining his calls and creating excuses to remove themselves from his circle. He was excluded in all their activities because suddenly, he was lacking behind in their conversations.

After having a heartfelt conversation with his father about what he wanted to do with his future, his view about the world changed entirely. He realized people would drop you when you don't serve their purpose. He realized one's importance depends on how useful you are to others. He realized one would be flocked when you have what people want. He realized nobody wanted to be associated with a failure and he did fail.

He secured another admission to study Architecture out of the country. He knew he'd be pained if he has to go back to that University and see his friends live without him. Although, his mother had been skeptical about allowing him go, but having a relative who was based there had been her only consolation. She knew there would be someone to watch over him.

At the age of 19, he started all over. He concentrated and gave his father the best results for two years in a row. Things started to spiral out of control when his long lost lover surfaced.

Although she had always been there, she was far from him so he was still in his senses. Her arrival started changing him for the worst. The truth is, Mubaraq had a soft spot for her. She had a cunning way of making him feel like he's responsible for her. She loved him with all her life, and felt they were the perfect match. Sharing him was not an option, so he's not allowed to have other friends, female friends especially. He's not allowed to go anywhere without informing her. He's not allowed to study without her. She was his perfect little pretty leech.

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