Chapter 16

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Hey guys ❤️
Sorry for the late update.
Truth is I got a new niece, then I shipped myself off for omugwo😂
Then i fell ill 😞
I am fine now, Alhamdulillahi.

Beads of sweat started forming on Iman's forehead. He swallowed hard, this is the same Maryam he had seen laying on a hospital bed. The same girl who visits his thoughts every once in a while, and ofcourse his mind always wanders to her every morning when he wakes up and at night before he sleeps. He isn't much of a sleeper, his studies had made sure of it. And before he sleeps off, he replays every single activity from the day, but seeing Maryam weeks ago seemed to be the only activity which aligns itself with his daily routine.
  He's wondered how she is faring alot, if she did make it out of the hospital in one piece. If her dramatic mother was sorry she had put her in that situation. If she had gone back to school because she's supposed to. And here she is, standing in front of him. He had thought, she would remain in his mind, because he did not make any attempt at all to check on her or even get her details which is a forbidden policy at the hospital. Truth is, he isn't a romantic freak, and he believed things happen when God wills it. He had told himself, if she was meant to be seen again, he would see her. And here she is, standing tall right in front of him. It seemed after all that they're probably meant to be.

Wait! Did he just said "meant to be?" 

He cleared his throat awkwardly, as if she would have heard his thoughts. When she furrowed her brows and peered at him questioningly, he realized he had stood in front of her for more than forty-five seconds which felt like minutes without saying a word. Now she would be skeptic about his whole being.

This is definitely embarrassing

So, he conjured up a very polite smile.
     "Do you mind moving your car?" He had said, his voice sounding deeper than it was supposed to. He wondered why he sounded that way. Why did he even say that, he was supposed to be nicer and smooth. Asking a girl to move a car is no smooth way of getting into her life. This statement came out too rigid.

Maryam turned and glanced at the car in front for a nano second. She groaned inwardly, firing blames at her grandmother for leaving the car behind another person's vehicle. This certain person turned out to be quite eye catching. Infact he's a handsome distraction, and looking at him came with a dose of pleasure. She snapped herself out of her daze with a little difficulty.

     "It's not mine" she mumbled embarrassingly looking down. She felt it would be rude to stare, and if she does stare, she might get lost in all this beauty. How can a man come out so fine? He has those weird skin colors that emits outcast from a distance. He's definitely a mixed race.

Wait! Why was she dissecting his nationality?

Iman smiled at her timidness, even when she had been on the hospital bed, she never looked like those who would talk excessively. Her demeanor says a lot about her, she's not brazen that's for sure. Her hands were shaking and she had shrunken the moment he started talking. These are the perks of an extremely introverted person.

     "The keys say something else" he countered, pointing at her hands. He watched her with so much amusement as her eyes widened at the realization. She jiggled the keys, blinked multiple of times. Now he would think she's a liar!

     "There is a perfect explanation. These aren't mine" she explained, blinking rapidly. It's obvious she speed blinks when she is bothered, another factor Iman marked out about her.

     "But you're holding them" he said hiding a laugh that was about to erupt from the pit of his stomach.

     "That doesn't mean....."

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