Chapter 33

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It's been a month since the denouncement of birth right from Maryam's mother, and ofcourse since Noorie started her therapy. The therapist sat on a chair in his gigantic office, his gray hair disheveled as usual and his medicated glasses balancing on the bridge of his nostrils.

He hummed softly, as he slipped through the pages of the notes he's kept for Noorie. He hasn't quite determined what was wrong with Noorie, because she's got the different symptoms of the various behavioral disorder, something which rarely occurs. He hummed again in confusion when he noticed the one name that had made several rounds in his notes, Maryam.

Which ever page he turned to, ended up with Maryam. There's always a way she names Maryam as her assailant. It's obvious Noorie's main problem is Maryam. In most of the jottings, he had clearly marked out Noorie as the assailant though, but to her, she's the victim who Maryam had hurt in a way or another.

The last paragraph was from that afternoon session, and her exact words had been "Maryam has been sent away now. I don't have anything to worry about anymore. Mommy has finally done the needful, so I am not angry anymore"

The therapist inhaled deeply with a frown. He hated that he could not term Noorie's sickness yet, she might be worse than he thinks or not even as bad as she seems. She had a single problem, and now that it's gone she seemed to be the perfect teenage girl.

Meanwhile, Noorie sang as loudly as she could announcing her presence like she always does. A soft hiss had left Tanzeel's mouth but Noorie was so happy to care. The truth is today marks the last day she would go see the therapist for this week. She hated having to drive herself to the old geezer and telling him all her problems.

"Can't you just save us all the stress and choke one of these days so we don't have to listen to your horrendous voice" Tanzeel had stated eyeing her with so much disdain. Noorie did not dare reply, scared she might get disciplined. She knows her step siblings aren't very loving, little things irritates them. She continued singing loudly though, ignoring the glare she was receiving from her older sister. She barged into the kitchen, and her smile seized.

There stood her mother and Aliyah, standing side by side laughing at each other, both were wearing apron and had flour smeared on parts of their faces.
"What's going on here?" She had asked, like a man who had caught his fiance cheating with another man. Her mother smiled lovingly at her, but Noorie did not return the smile. At that moment, she wanted to know what on Earth was making her own mother and her sister all loving up in the kitchen.

"We are making pancakes, Aliyah has her food practical next week, we've got to practice so she passes" her mother stated squealing like a child. Noorie tried to smile but her face could not contour itself to a smile. Aliyah whispered something about a crush and both started giggling like school girls. Noorie racked her brain, and she was so sure her mother did not do this with her. Infact, whatever she had needed to cook ended up being taught by the help. Yet, her own mother stood there sharing a moment with Aliyah and not her.

"Come and join us" Aliyah said whisking the batter. Noorie wanted to vomit, she would never join this little cahoot. She shook her head with a fake smile and exited the kitchen with slumped shoulders.

If Tanzeel saw her, she did not show it. Infact she refused to glance at Noorie again, because to her Noorie is just some irritating kid sharing her home with her other siblings.

Meanwhile, Janan kept staring at her son as he did the dishes, he has been humming his famous Justin beiber song ever since he woke up, and he even decided to grace them with some steps, which Islam found totally annoying. Islam groaned loudly, and then he let out a sobbing sound, staring directly at his mother as he did.

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