Chapter 35

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Iman tossed and turned on his bed. He hadn't been able to sleep well for two days straight. This is the third night, though exhausted, he couldn't bring himself to sleep.

Maryam wasn't picking his calls, neither was she replying his texts. He had replayed the night she got angry over and over again, yet he could not seem to find anything wrong with what he had said.

The truth is he hated it so much when she talks about nothing but Noorie. It's like her life revolves around that certain sister of hers. Many times, he would imagine how he believes is the best way to handle a sister like Noorie.  But, how would he know how it felt when he's not in her shoes.

He sat down after lying aimlessly for some more time. He picked up his phone and dialled her number again, and ofcourse she refused to pick. He sent her another text, explaining himself to her and how her constant talk about Noorie gets to him. He promised he would call her in the morning, and if she doesn't pick he would come find her in her school no matter how big it is.

On second thoughts, he chatted Zarah up who is wide awake. He hated that he had to bring in a third-party into his relationship. He had explained everything to Zarah, told her how Maryam had flared up, and is now refusing to talk to him.

Zarah found the matter absurd, but she told Iman she would get Maryam to talk to him by tricking her into being alone with him. She knew if she tries talking some sense into Maryam, that would only piss her off. Iman had thanked her profusely, before going back to sleep.

The next morning, Iman woke up quite late, he grumpily made his presence known to his family who were already wide awake. They had already eaten breakfast and were watching National Geographic Channel.

"I was thinking you weren't going to leave your bed. Trouble in paradise?" Islam yelled over the voice from TV. Iman glared at him, he knew Islam must have been eavesdropping last night or snooping around his phone. Islam must have seen the billion messages he had sent to Maryam.

"Leave your brother alone" Janan warned, glaring at Islam."Why isn't she picking your calls?" She added much to Iman's frustration. Iman knew Islam must have told her what he had discovered. They do it all the time.

"Nothing. Leave me alone guys" Iman grumbled, storming to the kitchen to check what was for breakfast. Iman noticed there were two food flasks arranged on the island. He opened both, only to find the same contents. One was overly fancy though, he knew that wasn't his. "Mom! Whose food is this?" He had yelled and ofcourse Islam appeared in the kitchen immediately, huffing and frowning.

Their mother quickly appeared too, looking at anywhere but their faces. Both boys had furrowed brows staring at their mother shifting uncomfortably, from one leg to another.

"Don't tell me you cooked for that big new neighbors of ours!" Islam stated loudly, disbelief evident in his expression.

"His parents are out of town and his daughter is not back yet....."

"How did you even know that?" Islam cut her off blinking multiple times. She kept mute. She scoffed in disbelief, realizing those giggles while she chatted, and the muffled phone calls were with that guy. "Mom, you have to stop this please" he had said becoming sadder by the moment.

A soft knock interrupted what his mother was about to say. She sighed softly and adjusted the plain material gown she was wearing before going back to the living room.
The moment Iman heard his voice, he groaned frustratingly. Then he started lamenting how their mommy was suddenly being more observant on how she looked because of their new neighbor who is obviously younger than her.

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