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Mubaraq smoothened his kaftan, and rearranged his cap. His brought out the handkerchief in his pocket and squeezed it multiple times in an attempt to wipe away the sweat.

"You have to stop panicking" Ikram whispered. He nodded but didn't stop. How could he stop? He was going to see his child, a child who looked exactly like his own very Ikram yet knew nothing about her. He took all this while because he did not know what to expect.

The Doctor had told him not to expect a warm, happy child. The illness was dragging her down, and she had become very spiteful. He told him to expect her lashing out in every way, she's been derailing daily and soon would loose it completely. He had cried in the Doctor's office so his eyes were a bit puffy.

Soon afterwards, Noorie headed towards them. She walked slowly, and Mubaraq tried hard to smile but could not. She looked exactly like her mother had before she passed away. Her hair was in every direction, and she had bags under her eyes.

"Good afternoon Noorie" Ikram greeted and Noorie ignored her. She turned to Mubaraq who was outrightly staring at her. She stared back.

"You came" she whispered softly. Mubaraq nodded trying to smile but failed woefully. He had seen Noorie's pictures before this and it pained him to see what she had turned into. "If I had died before you came, I would have killed you" she stated as a matter of fact.

He nodded.

He couldn't bring himself to ask her how she is. He couldn't say anything so he watched her.

Noorie stretched her hands and he found himself stretching his too. He held her and ofcourse the dam broke loose. He started crying. Noorie stared at him as he did. Ikram only patted him, as he did.

"I am so sorry" he said admist the sobs. "I am so sorry you're going through this because of me. I am sorry I brought you to this world. I am sorry" he chanted sobbing really hard.

"It's okay" Noorie had stated patting his hands. It hurts because no one could ask why the things that happens happen. There weren't answers to our questions.

Mubaraq cried until he was satisfied. He placed both his hands on her bony cheeks. She placed her own hands on his and tried to smile.

"It's okay. I am okay now. You came" she said and both of them actually smiled.

Iman frowned as he drove while Maryam hand her hands akimbo and she was facing the other part of the road. They had gotten into an intense argument because she had asked him to take her to see Noorie. As usual, he started to list out all the reasons which he believes she should not see Noorie.

When she had threatened to ask someone else to take her there, he had gotten into the car and now they were driving to the clinic.

"Maryam" Noorie had squealed and both had ran towards each other. They engulfed themselves in a hug. Not until after the introductory hug did Maryam see how Noorie was derailing and it broke her heart. She brought out chocolates of different kind for Noorie who opened and ate as if her life depended on it. They didn't talk, but she watched Noorie eat and smile.

Maryam didn't talk about the call about her attempt to escape, neither did she talk about anybody. She refrained from talking about anything that would make Noorie wish she was out. She just how she had missed her and how she kept buying chocolates of different kinds in an attempt to gather enough before bringing it over. The paper bag with the others was placed on the table and both of them watched themselves.

"You came" she said as a tear escaped her eye. Maryam nodded.
"I came"

After the designated forty minutes, Noorie hugged her bag of chocolates with a smile. Maryam waved at her as she walked towards the room area.

"Maryam" she called and Maryam turned abruptly with a big grin. "Bye" she had said. And Maryam replied with a Bye too.

As she attempted to turn around, she noticed Noorie had stopped walking and in a matter of seconds, Noorie had slumped. A deafening scream left Maryam's lips as she ran towards her sister. The doctors were running too. Soon everywhere was thrown into chaos. All the patients were asked back to their rooms and the visitors exited.

Noorie was put on a stroller to another room. Iman had ran in frantically, when everyone was leaving and Maryam hadn't come out. He saw her by the room, crying. He hugged her and both watched as the doctors performed CPR on Noorie.

After futile attempts, she was pronounced dead. Maryam sunk into Iman's hand and cried her lungs out. Soon, the Matazu's were called and Mubaraq got a call too. They all assembled in the clinic within hours.


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