Chapter 28

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Good morning❤️
😂😂 So you all saw an update that refused to open and you guys went haywire, chatting me up and stuff. It was just a mistake😅

Note: Do you all Remember....

I need y'all to anticipate! I am going to start it very soon in sha Allah. Go ahead and add it to your libraries and do recommend it to your friends. This is going to be like nothing you've ever read before!

PS: Be ready to go to okadabooks for this one Sha😅

Mommy tossed in her bed frustratingly. The alarm was being adamant today, maybe it was as a result of the events of yesterday but she had no intention of waking up now. The adhaan alarm wasn't stopping and she had the urge to hurl her phone onto the wall.

She stopped tossing when it stopped, thinking it was done. It had started again and she had sat up immediately. She felt a sharp pain in her head, making her groan softly. She sat in that position for a few minutes, and when the pain subsided she pushed away the duvet.

She stopped the alarm, and then put on her flip-flops which were situated beside her bed. When she heard a soft snores, she had quickly turned on the lights. A wave of relief shot through her when she saw her husband Alhaji Matazu sleeping peacefully.

After the screaming contest with Noorie after she had sent Maryam to her mother's, she had had slept so deeply she had not heard her husband come in. Alhaji Matazu tossed on the bed too because of the light.

"Switch it off" he mumbled, making her glare at his sleeping figure.

"It's time for prayer, better go and pray" she stated refusing to off the light. She hated it when he slips into her bedroom just because he had a spare key. He should have woken her up and most of all, he should have been the one to reprimand Noorie last night. Now, Noorie will hate her and she disliked when Noorie becomes cold.

"I've heard you, mother of Muazains¹. Switch it off" he retorted.  She smack the switch loudly with her nose flared as she headed to her bathroom. On putting on the tap, it gave out that rumbling sound and then nothing. She eyed the tap angrily fully aware that Baba Maigadi had definitely forgotten to pump water into the available tanks.

She exited her room and headed to the front door. Luckily, he had just switched it on so, there was no need for her to go yell at him. As annoyed as she was, she decided to wake Noorie and Aliyah for Subhi prayers.

She came back into her own room and had knocked on their door which Aliyah had answered. Noorie remained in her bed, even though she was wide awake. Mommy refused to say a thing to Noorie, wanting them to pray first before they have a one on one discussion about the attitude she had portrayed last night.

Mommy went back to her bathroom and performed ablution. When she exited the bathroom, she noticed her husband wasn't on the bed anymore and the light had been switched on. He was grumbling something before he left her room. She shrugged and quickly picked up her prayer mat ad hijab.

When she concluded her prayers, she remained on the mat telling God her deepest worries. She prayed for her daughters and sons. As she was about to stand up from the mat, Aliyah had pushed open the door to their room frantically making her stand up quicker.

"Mommy, Noorie!" Aliyah had yelled making the poor woman run to her children's room. She almost lost her balance because the water from the bathroom had leaked into the children's room. She gained her stance and jiggled the door handle. She banged and called out to Noorie but there was no response.

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