t h i r t y - e i g h t

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b i l l i e

i sighed as i walked through the airport, walking over to baggage claim. after nearly two months, i'm finally back home in la.

i grabbed my suitcase before shooting a text to ivy, who was picking me up.

jessie usually picks me up from the airport.

it's weird that i'm not going to be able to run into her arms like usual.

ivy texted back, telling me where she was. i looked around before spotting her, a small smile coming to my face. i walked over to her, embracing her into a hug.

"what's up, dude?" she asked. "i've missed you."

"i've missed you too," i smiled. "what have you been up to?"

"just trying to get through college," she sighed. "i swear i have, like, five missing assignments."

"imagine being in college, couldn't be me." i teased.

"not all of us are lucky enough to be famous." she grumbled playfully.

"shit, i wouldn't have gone to college even if i didn't get signed," i shrugged. "fuck that. also, i'm most definitely not famous."

"yeah, right." she said sarcastically as we walked out of the airport and to her car.

"i'm not!"

"say that to your sold out tour you just finished."

"shut up." i rolled my eyes as i got into the passenger seat after putting my suitcase in the back.

"no." she grinned.

i let out a sigh as i buckled up, getting comfortable in the seat. i looked down at my hands in my lap.

"how are you and makayla?" i asked.

"good," she smiled. "she just moved into an apartment and asked me to move in with her."

my eyebrows raised. "for real? are you going to?"

she nodded slightly. "i think so. i might wait until the summer though, because it's a little bit away from campus."

"i get that."

she looked over at me, noticing me twisting my ring around my finger. "how are you, bil? honestly?"

i pursed my lips together for a moment. "i'm good..."

"i said honestly."

i continued to look down at my hands. "what if the break was a mistake..?" i asked quietly.

"i don't think it was." she told me, which made me raise an brow.

"what do you mean?"

"i saw her at an ice cream parlor a few days ago. she seemed to be doing good." she explained.


"deadass," she confirmed. "i mean, maybe i just caught her on a good day, but it didn't seem like that was the case." she shrugged.

she thought for a moment. "oh, she was with her brother too, if that means anything."

maybe jordan got her on the right track.

i know how much his validation means to her. i mean, he practically raised her, so it only makes sense.

if he said something about it, then i feel like she would definitely realize that she has a problem.

i nodded. "thanks for telling me."

"yeah, no problem."


i stared down at my notebook, looking at the lyrics. i'm still working on "xanny" though i've got most of the lyrics so far.

"please don't try to kiss me on the sidewalk on your cigarette break. i can't afford to love someone who isn't dying by mistake."

i thought back to over a year ago to the night at the beach house. jessie had asked why it mattered that she had started vaping again, and i told her that i couldn't afford to love someone who isn't dying by mistake. i didn't even mean to say it, it just slipped.

i still stand by it though; i can't allow myself to love you if you're just going to do shit that's going to end up killing you. it's gonna hurt and i don't wanna put myself in that position.

i heard a knock on the door. "come in."

the door opened, revealing fin. he gave a small smile.

i raised a brow. "what's up?"

"just seeing what you're doing." he shrugged.

"trying to finish xanny's lyrics. there's just, like, one line missing." i sighed.

he walked over, sitting next to me. he took my notebook, looking at the lyrics, clearly in thought.

he nodded slightly. "i can't afford to love someone who isn't dying by mistake in silver lake." he said after a moment.

my eyes widened a bit. "dude, yes. that's perfect."

he grinned. "hell yeah."

he looked down at the notebook again. "so... that's it? it's finished?"

"yeah, like i said, i was only missing a little bit." i nodded.

"damn. do you wanna try working on the vocals and shit today?" he questioned.

i shook my head. "nah, i'm tired as fuck."

"oh. i was gonna ask if you wanted to go to taco bell with me, but since you're tired," he sucked his teeth as he stood up, starting to walk to the door. "i guess i won't."

"wait, no, 'cause i want taco bell." i perked up.

"i thought you were tired?" he raised a brow, holding back a smirk.

"bitch, i'm never too tired for taco bell. you should know that by now." i told him as i hopped off my bed, pulling on a pair of shoes.

he just smirked as i put my notebook on my dresser before walking to the door. i shut it behind me, walking through the house.

we stopped by mom on the way out of the house, and she raised a brow at us. "where are you two going in such a hurry?"

"taco bell." we answered simultaneously.

she nodded. "hurry back. i wanted to wanted to watch a movie with you two and your dad."

"alright. we'll be back in forty." i told her, giving her a quick hug.

"be careful."

"we will." finneas assured.


a/n this chapter is short asf and trash🧍‍♀️

there's gonna be a month and a half time skip next chapter tho—

thoughts? predictions?

how're y'all? y'all good? did you eat today?


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