f i v e

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(same outfit as last chapter)
j e s s i e

i'm not sober.

after a few hours of watching tv, sophia asked if i wanted to get drunk with her. i was hesitant at first, only because me and billie had practically just got into an argument over me getting drunk. i decided fuck it though, because i don't wanna deal with that right now.

i rolled off the bed, hitting the ground with a loud thud. "owies."

sophia peeked over the bed at me. "bro, are you good?"

sophia has had quite a bit to drink herself, but she's still practically sober.

"no," i mumbled, not making an attempt to get off the floor. "i'm really sad."




i sighed, then hiccuped. "me and billie got into an argument. i h-hate fighting with her."

"oh, damn. i'm sorry. if you don't mind me asking, over what?"

"because i got... umm... drunk. she would be disappointed if she knew i'm drunk again." i told her sadly.

"dude, i would not have asked you if i knew that." she told me as her eyes widened.

i shrugged, not saying anything. i sat up, pouting as my head began pounding. i stood up, stumbling a bit as i started walking.

"where are you going?" sophia asked, getting up as well.

"my dorm."

she came over to me, placing her hand on my arm in an attempt to keep me from falling over. i shook it off though. "don't touch me."

"sorry," she mumbled. "let me help you get to your dorm, though. your ass can barely walk."

i reluctantly agreed, letting her help me walk through the hallways, back to my dorm. when we got there, i pulled my keys out of my pocket, struggling to unlock the door. before i could finish unlocking it, the door swung open.

the door being the only thing that was keeping me from falling, i fell forward. luckily, i fell into aiden, and she caught me. she studied me for a second as she helped me stand up straight again.

"you're drunk again?" she asked with a chuckle.

"and sad," i nodded, though held my head as it started hurting. "will you help me to my bed?"

she agreed, walking me over to my bed. she helped me onto it, then helped me pull my shoes off. "alright, i gotta go. take a nap or some shit, i don't know. just don't get into any trouble."

"stop treating me like a baby." i grumbled as i cuddled one of my pillows.

she thumped my forehead before beginning to walk to the door. "nope! bye, jj."

sophia walked over, handing me a bottle of water. "you need to sober up a bit."

i sat up, leaning against the wall. she had already opened the water bottle, so i drank about half of it. i handed it back to her, and she sat it on my desk.

"i wanna..." i stopped as i tried to get my words together. it's hard as hell to think straight right now. "um... be alone."

"you sure?" she asked softly.


"i don't really think that's a good idea, leaving you alone and shit."

"just fucking leave," i snapped. "please." i added, my voice softer.

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