Chapters 36-40

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This is what i was planning for the last few chapters. I was going to try to go for 50+ chapters but decided that was too much. I might go back and make full chapters for this, but I doubt I will be able to do it soon. 

Sadly, I lost any motivation for this, but I am giving this to tie up loose ends. If you have any questions, please ask me. 

I will be ending this story with two different epilogues: A and B. 

Chapter 36

summary: First eliminations results in all but Celestial, Prime, Arcadians, Phantom, Hellfire, Fiar, Twin Nights.

All attend a party night. Sang talks to the Hellfire band members and gets to know Lark. She learns more about the accident last year (a band's car was in an accident, preventing them from performing in the finale. That band was expected to win, but since they weren't able to participate, Hellfire got first place. There was also the issue with missing money.) Sang suspects that they did not cause the accident or take the money but doesn't rule them out.

Chapter 37


They participate in the semi-finals. Sang talks to with last years bands. She meets the judges from last year. She suspects last year's judge as the sus. All but Prime, Hellfire, Fiar, and Arcadians are eliminated.

Cute moment with Rielle. Rielle gives advice about deciding about Sang's heart about whether to give it fully to Ryker or give it back to the Blackbourne boys and Ryker. Chapter ends with Rielle giving Sang a kiss on the forehead and saying that she is proud of her.

Chapter 38


It's finale time! She and Kota are knocked out before finals. Sang wakes up to see last year's judge standing over them. Flashback moment that reveals the judge in a deal with last year's second rank band. They were going to split the money if they win. The band sabotaged the band, but they still didn't win. The judge took all the money)

Sang kicks their asses, finishing the mission. Lark and his band withdraw and Fiar band wins first place.

Chapter 39

summary: fun day with Blackbourne team. They go to amusement park. Gabe and Ryker throw up after a really fast rollercoaster. They don't ride anymore rollercoasters that day.

Luke finds cotton candy.

They loose North and find him in the glass making activity.

Silas falls into the pond and doesn't want to get up.

Owen becomes unbalanced after riding the teacups. He spends the rest of the day tripping over nothing.

Kota gets a 100 at a shooting game and wins a goldfish.

Sean is attacked by three clowns and finds himself crossdressing as Cinderella.

They loose Ryker and can't find him. They find him napping on a bench in plain sight with a newspaper over his face.

Nathan gets the highest number in the high striker (the game tests the strength) until Sang comes and gets a higher score. She wins a giant Honeybee stuffed toy for him.

Rin, Rowan, and Cian enjoy the amusement park on their own. They leave after a bit to do some bed things ;p

Chapter ends with Ryker and Sang on ferris wheel and saying that they love each other.

Chapter 40


She goes on a date with Ryker. She learns that Rielle dies who left a note to follow her heart. Uncle and Dr. Roberts encourage her do what she wants. They were with her back then and will be with her in the future.

Sang pulls out her journal and starts to write a new entry. She writes about starting a new journey in which she doesn't know what will happen in the future but she will embrace it with the people next to her. 

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