Ch. 4

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We pulled up into the diner. Outside the door were two figures that were pacing in front of the door. Like the Toma team, once again, I had just unbuckled when I was pulled from the car into a pair of arms. Dr. Roberts faint scent of strawberries wrapped around me. He swung me from side to side. My toes were no longer touching the ground.

"Oh my god, little one," he sighed. "It's so good to have you home. Do you know that you being away has made my hair turn white?"

I laughed. He always joked how being away with him turned his hair white although his hair was that color when I first met him. "Dad, I hate to break the news to you but that happens when you get old. How old are you anyway? Sixty-two?"

He gasped in mock offense. "You shouldn't tell everyone an old man's age."

A snort came from behind us. Dr. Roberts hadn't released me from his hug but I knew who made the snort. "Yeah, at least you have hair. Now let go so I can hug baby girl."

Dr. Roberts finally released me from his grip with a grunt and I came face to face with Uncle. The top of his hair was bald like before but what surprised me was the facial hair he was sporting. He usually was clean shaven but now he had a short beard. Brown eyes smiled warmly at me before wrapping me in his arms. "Hey, Baby Girl. How are you?"

I smiled. "Happy. Now that I am here again." Something in his eyes made me weary. He was hesitating to tell me something. "Uncle, what's wrong?"

He looked Dr. Roberts before turning back to me. "We'll talk to you later. No what did you do to your hair?"

I brought a strand forward and decided to play a trick on them. "I colored my hair. Why don't you like it?" I pouted.

They hesitated. Behind them I saw the smirking faces of my teammates who knew that the hair dye was temporary. Uncle sputtered. "No, I like it. It's just different." His eyes swerved away, a telltale sign that he was lying. "What do you think, Phil?"

Dr. Robert's eyes widened. "Um.... I like the color?" His voice went up at the end as is it was a question.

I rolled my eyes. "It's temporary. It'll come out in a few days."

"Oh thank god," they said in relief. Then they started on my teammates and the toma team for laughing and letting me trick them.

I snuck away from them, going into the diner. For the four years I've known Uncle, he hadn't redecorated much. The inside still has the 50 and 60's feeling. Being in here reminded me of the times I was in the diner with the boys. A jar in front of the cash register caught my attention. It was full of flowers but it seemed an odd jar to put flowers in. I laughed at what was written in front of it. It said. "think she's cute, too? tip to keep her working here". It was the jar that Gabriel wrote on the first time I worked here. I can still remember that time. Gabriel walking around, humming in his smooth baritone voice, while Luke was picking trays full of dirty dishes that I feared would fall.

"Sang?" A voice broke through my thoughts. I turned to see a face I haven't seen in months. Jessica Lee looked the same except that she was taller and no longer wore pink eyeglasses. Her brown hair was curled in soft waves. Her green eyes looked a lot like her brother's and stared at me happily before catapulting herself into my arms. When Kota left, our friendship grew.

"Hey, Jessica," I squeezed her tighter. "How are you?"

She returned my smile. "I'm good. I came to pick up some food for me and Tom."

I nodded. "You two are dating?"

A slight blush came over her cheeks. "Yeah. What about you?"

I felt my face flush. I choked out, "No, I'm not dating anyone."

"Why not? You're cute. A lot of guys would love to go out with you." She winked. I rolled my eyes. Jessica knew my feelings for her brother and his friends. She loved them too but stayed beside me. A smile appeared on her face before Jessica took the bag that the guy behind the counter gave her. Turning back, her face was serious. "Sang, do you still love Kota?"

I froze. What should I say? "I don't know. I haven't given much thought on that. I've been focusing on building myself up. Them leaving me tore me apart."

She nodded. Her thoughts were on something else. "I understand. Mom would love to see you again. Come by anytime. She misses you."

I gave her another hug. "I miss her too. And you."

A few moments later my friends and family came tumbling through the door. Rowan came up beside me, putting his arm around my shoulder. "You okay?"

I nodded. Jessica brought more memories of the boys to mind. My breath caught in my throat, and tears threatened to appear. I looked up into understanding green eyes. "I think I need a moment."

I stepped sideways out of his embrace, not hearing the approach of someone coming by me. I bumped into him and tripped over my feet. Although I wasn't that heavy, the way I fell into the stranger was at an odd angle, and I and the stranger careened towards the floor. A pair of arms wrapped around me and twisted me so that I would land on top of him. We landed with an oomph. The restaurant was silent for a moment before everyone started laughing.

I buried my head in mortification. I didn't even think I was trying to bury my head in the stranger's chest until I felt him chuckle. My head shot up, my eyes locking onto a pair of deep blue eyes. He hair was a glossy black, shining in the light. It was a bit messy, but it fit him. His skin was slightly tanned, and it was obvious that he was muscular. My heart quickened. It wasn't because I was embarrassed, but because the sight of this beautiful stranger started to crack the wall I had built around me.

The stranger gave me a crooked smile. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, realizing that I was still laying on him. I rolled off him onto my knees. "I am so sorry."

He gave a chuckle, sitting up. "It's fine. I'd do it again to save you."

"My hero." I fanned my face and battered my eyes at my savior.

He sorted. "I'm no hero. My name is Ryker Nightingale."

"Sang." I said as he drew himself to his feet. He offered me his hand which I took. His hand wrapped around mine before gently pulling me up from the ground.

"Ryker, I see that you've introduced yourself to my daughter." Dr. Roberts smiled. "Sang, this is Ryker. He is a new Academy transfer."

Ryker turned towards me, surprise sparking in his blue eyes. "You're his daughter?" When I nodded, his smile grew. "You are not what I expected."

I looked him in the eyes. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"I don't know yet." He answered truthfully. I smiled. At least he was being honest. "I don't know that much about Summerville or Charleston. Maybe you could show me around?"

I felt my heart beat. "I'd like that." 

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