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I blinked, hoping that this was something I was imagining. I couldn't believe my eyes. Before me stood the nine people who left me and tore my heart out. Despite my panic, I saw that they looked really good. My eyes darted among the nine, settling on each of them only for a few seconds.

"Sang?" A voice spoke. I looked up into the deep blue eyes of Ryker. He was alerted and full of concern. "Are you alright?"

Before things could continue, Dr. Roberts clapped his hands, attracting the attention of the crowd. He smiled and laughed as if my world wasn't crumbling around me. I knew that he was doing this so what will be happening soon won't take place in front of a crowd. "Let's applaud Avis and the Hounds. They will be taking a break and will be back in an hour."

The cafeteria broke out in an applause. With a look at the others in my team, we started to make our way towards the hallway. When we made it to the hallway, I collapsed. Between my panic attack this morning and their return, I couldn't take anymore. Darkness welcomed me in its embrace, the voices of my past following me.


I caught her before she could hit the floor. Her skin had turned pale and her features turned haggard. Before she fainted, I saw the pain and sadness on her face. I heard them yelling when they saw Sang had collapsed but we didn't stop for them. We quickly made our way towards the unused part of the hospital. This part was only used when Academy members who were injured needed privacy.

We made it to the area and chose the closest room. I heard shouting but knew that Cian, Rin, and Rowan will take care of them. I gently laid Sang down on the bed, smoothing her hair back. She was so tiny and frail. I had confessed my love for her, and my heart rejoiced when she reciprocated my love. I love her but my fears rose up as thoughts plagued me. I knew that if she still loved them and that there was a big chance she would forgive them. If she chose them and left me, I knew that I wouldn't survive. I would wither away like the last note to a song.


I was furious. How dare they show up out of nowhere! They broke that little fairy once, and if they tried it again, they would find themselves with a broken limb. I remembered the first time I met her.

I walked slowly towards the boy who huddled in the corner. His eyes darted everywhere, and his shaking increased. The shirt that hung loosely on his frame slipped off his shoulder. My temper flared up at the scars that marred his porcelain skin. I sat down several feet away from him, staying silent.

Rin had suffered flashback. A year had gone by after the Academy rescued him and several others from the illegal prostituting ring. I wanted to tear apart the men that had been caught when I saw the condition of the young men and women. Some of them were barely teenagers and already had a broken look in their eyes. Rin was one of the older boys and had taken the role to protect the youngers.

"Rin," I whispered.

Rin's eyes collided with mine. The unique color of his amber eyes always pierced my heart with wonder but the hurting expression he held broke my heart. Tears filled his eyes before he flung himself into my arms. I held him softly, letting him know that I was here for him.

A door softly closing had Rin stiffen. Footsteps lightly came towards us before stopping abruptly. I looked up to see Rowan looking at us with understanding. He knelt down, gently and slowly kneeing towards where we sat. Rowan's green eyes looked at Rin with a soft smile. "We don't have to go today. We can always reschedule."

Rin shook his head, wiping his face clear of tears. He leaned back. "No, I don't want that. We can go. You've waited long enough."

rowan and I shared a look. I spoke slowly. "maybe I should stay here with you and Rowan can go to the diner."

Rin glared at us. "No. I can do this. Don't treat me like I'm made of glass."

I laughed, pressing my lips softly against his temple. His scent filled my senses, warming me. "I wouldn't dream of it."

Rowan flicked my shoulder. "You're saying that I do?"

I smirked at him. "I do." I stood up, extending my hand down to help Rin. "Come on, we have a bird to meet."

The drive to the diner took fifteen minutes. When we entered, I immediately knew who the bird that we were to meet was. She was a tiny thing, smaller and thinner than Rin. Her hair was a blend of blonde, brown, and reds, something that I've seen only on one other person. her eyes were green like jewels and her lips were pink as a sunset. I frowned at the dark circles around her eyes and the way she carried herself. She was broken like the rest of us but it was still devastating to see that on her.

We walked up to her when I noticed that she inhaled and froze. With a spin that could make me dizzy, she turned around with a huge smile on her face, but when she looked at my face, she burst into tears. I was speechless. My thoughts were wiped away. What happened to her? Who harmed her to make her cry at a complete stranger?

gently, I wrapped her into my arms, hoping that she wouldn't yell rape. When she didn't, I softly rocked her, whispering to her words in my native language. I was telling her that I would protect her and kill anyone who dared to harm her. I told her that she has a family now if she decided she wanted us. I told her that she would be okay.

She seemed to realize that I was holding her because she drew away quickly, gasping. In a soft yet musical voice, she whispered her apologies. I chuckled in response, assuring her that it was okay. I called her beag amháin and explained to her that it meant little one. Her nose scrunched up adorably.

She surprised us all when she answered Rin back in Japanese. I smiled when she guessed that all of us were together and accepted us. I knew that she would become our center. Ours to protect.

The Blackbourne team glared at us as we guarded the room Sang was in. We wouldn't allow any of them to get by us. One of them, the tall guy in black clothes, didn't get the memo and tried, but a fist to his face knocked him back. The one with a log up his ass ordered the guy in black back. Silence settled upon us as that groups tried to figure a way by us. I flexed my fingers, aching to hit them more for what they did to our sweet Sang. They will pay. A smile spread on my face. I'll make sure of it. 

What do you think so far? Next update will have Rin and Rowan's pov and we will find what Rowan's secret is. Thanks!

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