chapter 16

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a c t i i.
i am a raging sea trapped inside a raindrop. 
━━ chapter xvi.



A flash of red and several other colors passed by at the speed of light, followed by a sequence of screams and rumble, dust flying everywhere, the once large, rubble now broken to pieces. As if a harsh earthquake had hit the place, the echoes of a girl's encouraging statements never stopped.

"C'mon, you can do better than that!!"

The silent girl obliged, jumping from boulder to boulder while focusing her energy on her feet, hoping to dodge each and every attack that came by her. Looking back while in the air, her breathing hitched as she gritted her teeth upon the harsh kick that landed into her abdomen.

Crimson water splattered out of her mouth, her body landing harshly onto the nearest stone pillar with a blow harsh enough to create a deep crater.


Not even a millisecond to spare, the red-haired girl performed a back roll the instant she saw large rabbit-like feet by the left side of her head, her body instantly bringing itself up as she took in several breaths to calm her racing heart, wiping the blood that trickled down from the corner of her bruised lips.

Mirko wasn't merciful. She knew that holding back on a future hero would not be in either side's favor, as the harsh realities one hero has to face as they grow up and become stronger and stronger, so she had decided to treat her new two students something personally.

Pain tolerance.

With another grin, the female hero launched herself onto the red-haired girl, but before she could land another harsh blow, Shizumi used every inch of her power to dodge the incoming leg and instead grabbed it with her heavily injured arms, shocking the pro-hero to a point of her eyes widening.

The class 1-A student swung her hands and threw, with all her power, Mirko into a large stone pillar that was left with large cracks as soon as the impact had come, making the redhead grin.


"Wahahaha, quite a nice strategy you have there!" Mirko laughed from within the smoke, launching herself once again, towards the redhead, which had begun to switch directions and ran to the other side of the broken-apart pillar.

Gathering some energy into her feet, she jumped from stone pillar to stone pillar, rethinking any strategy on beating the pro-hero, the enemy not far from her. Mirko-san has a tendency to jump, especially with her quirk, Rabbit. Think Shizumi, think!! What are rabbit's weaknesses?!

Out of nowhere, she was slammed into the ground, a large and painful impact landing on her back. Feeling the pain and nausea beginning to hit her in her lower abdomen and head, she turned her head to her left to glance at her mentor, who was smiling widely.

"Not bad, Shizumi Chikara! Not bad at all! In fact, that was one of my most exciting fights, I must say!" While the rabbit-like hero helped her student up, who was thankfully, not heavily injured, the blonde male clapped from a distance with his usual smirk. Keeping in mind of her goals for this week, she thought back to the information she had received over her new goals for this week.

"Haha, nice to know that you chose my agency, Shizumi Chikara!" The redhead politely bowed to her, her body shaking with excitement , stars shining in her eyes like Midoriya had whenever he had experienced a cool quirk, from being in a rare kind of presence. "It's alright, I already got to know of your disability, so don't be afraid to speak up your mind."

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