chapter 25

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a c t i i i.
i am a raging sea trapped inside a raindrop.
━━ chapter xxv.


"Ah!" She suddenly interrupted, turning to Shoto. "Todoroki-san, I have a favor to ask of you!" She happily beamed; did he have a reason to say no to that pretty smile? Hell no.

"Hm?" He turned to her, ready to do anything to help his redheaded friend.

"I think the upcoming battles on the floors above might be a little dangerous, so I was hoping to steal the gloves from the villain's hands from before! Could you de-freeze some ice near the scrawny villain's hands please?" She politely asked, and he had absolutely no reason to say no.

She was right; villains are in this tower. These two alone had given them so much trouble, and for what he knew, there could be thousands or hundreds of them above. U.A students aren't enough to hold them back, they needed more power, and that's something Shizumi had in large numbers.

As Kirishima and Bakugo discussed something, the two ran over to the villain, and as told, Todoroki removed some ice near his hands, however, her squinted his eyes in worry when he saw that his hands were bare. "Oh yeah, earlier, when they transformed, the gloves got ripped..." He trailed off.

"Not a problem!" He wrote to him and reached her hands into his pockets, making sure she didn't touch anywhere inappropriate. Her hands grabbed whatever they came across, pulling them out and observing what he had. Earlier, he had a gun with him. My rubber-bullet gun doesn't have much ammo, If I could at least...! She pulled out a large thing, and slightly gasping and turning to the dual-haired boy, they nodded at each other and left the girl to pull it out, eyes widening at what was in her hand now.

A real handgun, a pack of black fingerless gloves, a card, a walkie-talkie, and a weird device.

"Hey you two, we found something!" Todoroki called out to the two, who slowly came beside the two and wandered their red eyes to what was in the girl's hands. Kirishima's breath hitched as he stared at the gun; they could have been shot and killed earlier, if it wasn't for Todoroki's ice.

"Is that...a real gun?" He trailed off, a little afraid all of a sudden.

"Why the fuck are these guys carrying guns around with them? Do they wanna kill us or somethin'?!" He angrily trailed off, watching how the girl's eyes didn't waver as they stared at the killing machine. Was she scared? She herself handled a gun with fake bullets, why would this scare her?

"Shizumi, that device..." He pointed to the round-like device which was now producing a blinking red light and a sound at the same time. Before she could hand it over to the dual-haired friend of hers, the device began to show a weird hologram that made it jump out of the redhead's hands.

It was a map.

"Woah, isn't that us?!" Kirishima suddenly pointed to an area in the large holographic map, where he saw the four of them standing next to each other.

"It's...a map. So that's how they found out we were on this floor...!"

Shoto quickly darted his eyes a little higher to see his 1-A friends on different floors; did they split up? What happened? "We should keep this with us. It'll help us find the others."

"No shit Sherlock!"

"Guys, what about the card?! We could go up the elevator now!" He pointed at the card in the only female with them's hands, and for once, the three of them realized that he used his brain. "Oh, but what about the cameras?! I hope they don't shut us in the elevator!"

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