chapter 12

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a c t i i.
i am a raging sea trapped inside a raindrop.
━━ chapter xiii.



Bakugo wasted no time and assailed himself at the girl, who got ready to strike the boy with her fists, which were charging with energy. As he threw an explosion at the girl, she eluded to her right at the last minute and did a few backflips to back off from the angry gremlin.


Shizumi began running around the field as Bakugo proceeded to pursue the girl, completely ignoring his statement.

Destroying the ground like all my previous battles won't help here since Bakugo can use his explosions to fly! I need to create a digression to approach him!

As if a bulb lit up her head, Bakugo came close to the red-haired girl and tried to set off an explosion at her neck, but before she could counter it, the boy changed his course by moving in the air with another explosion.

That's the same move he used against Midoriya!


Bakugo grabbed the girl's vest from behind and threw her athwart the field with an explosion, but Shizumi didn't fluctuate and rolled onto the ground as she landed and got her stance back.


Shizumi did a backflip and dug her hands into the ground, creating enough force to tear the rubble off of the ground, and immediately used her dance moves to kick the rubble at Bakugo.

"Woah! Shizumi just used the rubble to attack Bakugo! And what's with those killer dance moves?!"

Bakugo, of course, exploded the rubble, but what he didn't expect was that it created a large smoke around him. Shizumi heard his shouts from behind it but wasted no time and rushed into the soot, knowing she had an advantage in it for many reasons.

Bakugo is impatient and would try to blow all the smoke away, and when he does, I'll attack him!

Oh, how naive she was.

The blonde-haired boy held his hand out and set off a large explosion, making the girl fly back with a few burns on her skin, together with the smoke. Fortunately, the force wasn't hard enough as the red-haired girl landed in the boundary.

That's the same explosion he used in Uraraka-san's fight!

As the smoke cleared, in her heterochromatic eyes, he looked like a monster that was itching to kill someone. She gulped as she stood up once more, wiping a little blood coming from her mouth from the corner of her lips.

I need to attack!

Despite knowing she was being rash, Shizumi prepped energy in her fists and feet simultaneously as she ran towards Bakugo, who held his wrist as if he had overused his quirk. As she closed in, he shouted.


She ignored his cry as she began landing a few hits on him, but due to using her energy on all parts, it had a little weak force and was not enough to knock him down or fly him out of bounds. 

Soon, it became a hand-to-hand battle between the two as Bakugo blocked the girl's attacks from all sides, while she continued punching and kicking, wishing for the boy to get hit at least once.

"It's become an all-out hand-to-hand battle between the two!"

Her wish came true when Shizumi landed a harsh hit on Bakugo's cheek, which made him stumble back as his bangs shadowed his crimson eyes.


Shizumi condensed all of her energy into her fist as she punched Bakugo's cheek, but what frightened her was that Bakugo had fully taken it without blocking.

What is he...?!

Shizumi was too late to notice how the ash-blond boy grabbed her hand and the back of her shirt, leaning near her ear and whispering something only those two could hear.

"Now die."



Bakugo set off the biggest explosion the crowd had seen of today, shocking almost everyone in the stadium. The heat was enough to melt a child's icecream in the faction, who began crying for it.


"W-Who won?!" Jiro asked her classmates, worrying about what had happened to her friend that the explosion was directed at.

Midoriya gulped, knowing that it would be hard for Shizumi to survive the explosion, that is unless she had used her buffer in time.

As the smoke cleared on the field, Shizumi's red hair was seen, but what shocked them was that she was still standing with her hands blocking her face, her gloves somehow still intact. However, her hands were deeply burnt, making her grunt in pain with her teeth clenched tight. Shizumi stumbled back with her hands dangling on her sides. 

She had looked just like Midoriya during his fight with Todoroki.

Bakugo was seen opposite from her, his face angry at how his opponent was still standing from the large explosion he had caused.

How...? How is she still...Bakugo clenched his teeth as he met his crimson eyes with her heterochromatic ones, which were that of a beast that refused to befall. How is she not dead yet?!?!

The red-haired girl slowly regained her posture as her head gazed up at the sky before she clenched her teeth and looked down at Bakugo, glaring at him.

"Come at me," was as if they were saying.

Bakugo let out a loud shout as he approached the girl at full speed, readying his final attack despite the pain in his wrist and cheek, which was bleeding for the past few minutes.

Shizumi deeply inhaled before she began to slowly walk, but began to run as she neared Bakugo's flying form, gathering a little energy in her hand despite the pain she was getting in it. She was barely able to move it, but tightly gritted her teeth and clenched her fist, bringing it in front of her.


It was as if time had slowed down as Bakugo brought his palm to Shizumi's face, while Shizumi brought her fist to Bakugo's cheek, offering all the energy that was left within her.

One attack! 

One attack to knock him out of here!

One attack to knock her out of here!

As Bakugo shouted with all his might, Shizumi shouted in her brain, both wishing for this attack to end the fight.

Both of their hands made contact with one's body part.

Bakugo was sent flying to his right, leaving a strong air pressure behind him as he did. If it was possible, the punch reminded him of All Might's punch. As he neared the boundary, he quickly set off an explosion to prevent himself.

Shizumi was sent flying back at top speed, the front of her shirt a little burnt from the firepower. As she neared the boundary, she saw black paint her optics.


She clenched her teeth.

....I can't lose here...

A tear rolled down her cheek.


The last thing she heard was Bakugo's name coming from Midnight's voice, as well as her body coming in contact with grass.



━ D E M U R E

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