chapter 43

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a c t i i i.
i am a raging sea trapped inside a raindrop.
━━ chapter xl.


Shizumi couldn't believe it.

No, she believed the fact that her classmates had all passed, and that they were finally done with their first round.

She couldn't believe that the second field was a disaster sight, and that they deliberately just let off a bomb in a place full of living people. Her eyes were widening more and more at the sight of their blood.

But it was fake.

Her eyes stopped there, and she deadpanned.

She gazed over the 100 students beside her, this is a test for individual licenses and statuses! Support, Combat, and Healer...each of us play a different role on that field!

"There's only one more round for the exam," Mera explained. "Your goal is simple: undertake rescue exercises and rescue the bystanders who are trapped in these disaster sights."

"Use this time to show us how you will carry out successful rescue procedures when you receive your provisional licenses. Treat this as though it were the real thing," Mera said.

The screen switched again, and Shizumi found herself tightening the grit in her teeth at what she saw.

"Little kids and old people?!" Sato cried, pointing out the multitude of bystanders walking about on the screen.

They were all severely injured, with torn clothes with dirt covering them. They had blood dribbling down from certain places on their bodies, so each of them had different fake injuries.

"That's so dangerous! Why are they there?!" Mineta cried.

"These specialists have been trained as professional persons in need of rescue," Mera explained. "They're very popular. Introducing: Help. Us. Company. Otherwise known as H.U.C. for short."

"So they're basically actors?" Sero asked, arms folded while looking at the screen.

Fake blood...But if this was a real rescue site, I would have to prioritize healing...

"The H.U.C. bystanders have dressed up like injured victims, and will be located throughout the disaster sight. We'll be judging you on how you keep them safe as you go about your mission. Oh, by the way, we'll be scoring you on a point system. If you score more points than the benchmark, then your exercise comes to an end. You pass the exam."

While Shizumi gazed upon the screen, and got to know she had ten minutes for preparation, she recalled the bitter memory of the disaster site from Kamino Ward. Where All Might lost his quirk, where Tenko stood in a distance from her, and All for One.

That's right, I need my license. So I can save him from you...!

"That sight, it was familiar..." Iida said. Shizumi nodded, along with Shoto and Midoriya.

"It looks like Kamino Ward."

"I wonder if they based this off that night..." Shizumi suggested, mainly to herself rather than the others. "No one will be hurt this time. I'll make sure of it...!" She said, glancing at Bakugo.

But more than me, I'm sure Bakugo-san is most disturbed...

I hope he'll be okay. I'll try and stick with him this time!

As the students got ready, and the hiss and click came from the walls of the antechamber, the roof once again folded outwards. The sunlight touched the redhead's skin once again, letting her breathe in the fresh air to soak in. It calmed her nerves down a little.

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