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(Three days later...)

Gina's POV

I rest my head against the seat backing. The last few days have been hectic, but we get to finally go home. Karin sits across the aisle with Cody. She's a lot different than I expected her to be.  It's almost like she's not related to Nick and Cori at all. She looks at me with her pale blue eyes and smiles. I smile back. If I have to guess, I'll say she won't be a psycho child. Josh can barely sit still. "Yay! We can go home now!" He says excitedly.

"I know, buddy. Mama hates it here," I reply without thinking. Crap. Why did I have to say that? Josh looks bewildered. I never mention anything about my past, so this must startle him. "Why, Mama?" He asks. I sigh. I believe it's time to tell him the truth. At least, a bit of the truth. "Something bad happened to Mama when she was young, buddy. Mean people made her Daddy crazy," I answer, being careful on what I reveal.

"Oh." His voice is small. I really hope I didn't scare him. Don't worry. You didn't, Jenna replies. "Sorry, buddy. Did I scare you?" I ask anyways. Josh shakes his head no. He leans his dad back and closes his eyes. I can tell that he falls asleep right away. Maybe sleeping wouldn't be a bad idea.

I relax in my seat and close my eyes. I'm a lot more tired than I feel. I fall asleep quickly...


"Wake up, Mama!" I hear Josh say, shaking my arm. I bolt awake. Landing already? Goddess. That was fast. The plane lands smoothly on the runway. After it's okay to get up, everybody stands up and starts moving at the same time. I pull my bag out from under the seat in front of me. I make sure Josh has his before I move.

After about a half hour, we get off. Customs is boring to get through, but we do anyways. I see Theresa waiting for us. The four of us make our way over to her. Nate and Klara jump into my arms, attempting to smother me in hugs. Theresa pretends to be mad at me. "When you said 'a few days', you could have told me you meant two weeks!" She says.

I laugh awkwardly. "Oh, uh, funny story..." I trail off. Theresa rolls her eyes at me. Here it comes. "You mean you got into some trouble," she answers. I pretend to be shocked. "That obvious?" I ask with a laugh. She nods a gives me a quick hug. My chest pangs a little bit with three people hugging me at once. I can tell that pain will never truely leave. "I'll tell you the story on the ride home," I promise once she lets go.

True to my word, I do. The triplets and Karin fall asleep all piled up on one another in the back seat of the van. By the time I'm finished talking, Theresa's mouth is wide open. "Well. Aren't you a trouble magnet!" She says, trying not to laugh. "No. I'm not a trouble magnet. I just seem to be a crazy people magnet," I reply.

The drive from the airport goes by fast. Soon, I see the pack house. This one feels a lot more welcoming. I look at it through the window. I'm home. All this crazy stuff is over and done with. My life can go back to normal, hopefully. I mean, even fate has to take a break.

Goodbye, trouble. Hello, normal! I say to Jenna.

Normal is what we need, she replies. I agree with her.


Hello, humans! I'm sorry I'm late! I'm lazy and I apologise. I also apologise for the crappy ending to this chappieI'm not good at endings.

I have bad news. This book is almost over. The next chappie on Friday will be the epilogue. Before you guys ask, I'm not planning on a sequel for this book. Every problem in here has been addressed.

You guys are probably pissed a time now. I'm sorry, but thank you guys so much for all the reads! This book might not be here without you guys. You're all FABULOUS!!!

See you Friday!

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