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(Time skip to the August court date...)

Gina's POV

I wake up in a state of nervousness. This is it. This is really it. I rise quickly and get changed into my dress pants and a nice shirt. I ditch my normal colorful socks for plain ones and I skeddale out of my room. I make breakfast quickly for the triplets, who crawl out of bed just as I finished.

There is no nonsense this morning. Soon they are dressed up and ready to go. I had hated to accept Nick's condition to bring the triplets, but the order said I had too. Cody meets us solemnly in the hallway. He gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "You'll do fine, G. Stop worrying," he says. His words bring me a little bit of comfort. I can do this.

The journey to the courthouse seems even shorter than normal. But soon, there we are. My lawyer, otherwise known as Theresa Breton/ Molly Shane's adoptive mom, meets us there. "You'll win, Gina. I know you will." Admittedly, I get tmore comfort from that. We walk in. Nick, his family, and his lawyer are already here. I'm a little anxious now.

I take my position as Cody goes to sit on the bench with the kids. For some odd reason, they seem to find this mildly entertaining. The jury files in next. The butterflies in my stomach seem to have grown to the size of bats. The judge hits his podium with the gavel. "This court is now in session." His voice booms around the quiet trial room.

"Will the plaintiff please present her cause," he says. I take out the box. I walk out to his podium. "Your honor, I am suing Nicholas Caine for the terroising and injury of my daughter Klara..." I begin. I rattle off my whole case. The farther in it goes, the easier it gets. I show all the evidence. Hospital records and bills, photos, everything.

As I walk back to my original position, I see Nick's lawyer start to fidget. I'm making him nervous. Nick is called up and he presents his defence. By reading his body language, I can tell his Case is not as strong as mine. As Nick walks back, I feel my nervousness start to disappear. So far, so good.

"Defendant, how do you plea against the Plaintiff's claim?" The judge asks him. This is where it gets real. "Not guilty," Nick says. I don't even know why he's trying. "Your honor, my client would like to attempt to overturn the claim the Plaintiff has laid against him. The Plaintiff kept her pregnancy a secret from her ex-mate, and never sent him any information about his three children." Oh, Nick went there.

"Your honor, I object. My client will overturn that. In this set of circumstances, Nicholas Caine was confirmed to be cheating on his mate while they were still together. He promptly accepted his mate's rejection, hereby allowing the Plaintiff to not be obligated to tell him anything relating to any children," Theresa replies.

"The Defendant's claim is overturned. By law, your client did not have to tell him anything," the judge says. Nick's lawyer looks even more terrified. "Any new evidence, Defendant?" The judge asks. I just now realize I've been twisting my Mother's wedding ring around my finger. I stop quickly. I must appear confident.

"My client has no new evidence, your honor," Nick's lawyer admits. I glance at the clock and realize it's been an hour and 45 minutes. "The jury has made its decision! Nicholas Caine, you are guilty. You are required to pay the $145,000 lawsuit and to go away to a secluded mental institution for a psych evaluation. Same for Cordelia Caine, your current mate."

I exhale. I didn't notice I had holding it in. They're finally going. Getting their twisted little minds checked out. The judge dismisses the court. I file out into the sunlight. "I did. I actually did it." I'm at a complete loss for words. I feel ecstatic. I actually did it! "They'll be going now," Cody says. I hear a little edge in his voice, but it's gone as soon as it appears. Was it doubt? I can't tell. I'm feel like I'm walking on air.


I cut a lot out. But Happy Sunday! And I'll be time skipping in the next chapter. Like, years. But I'm not telling you guys how many. You'll just have to wait and see!

Happy Gina won the court case? I am, to be honest. I have not idea how long this book will be, but we're just getting to the good part. I have a surprise planned. See if you can guess what it is! If you have an idea,

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If someone gets it right, they'll get 2 dedications and a follow! I wonder if anyone will get it? Dun Dun Daaaaa!

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