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Gina's POV

Coma?!?! My baby girl is in a coma!?!? I freeze. Literally. I'm trying to comprehend this by running yesterday, I think, over and over in my mind. People always say hindsight is 20/20. A couple minutes before I run to get my kids, I see Luna 2.0 and Nick leave the table. Luna 2.0 heads towards the kids and appears to be heading towards my Klara...... Oh dear lord I'm going to skin that b*tch alive!!

I start thrashing trying to get up. "Hey! Gina, calm down, please," The Doctor, Doctor Raimer his name tag reads, says. "You don't understand! I know who did this to my poor baby!" I wail. I'm guessing this dude doesn't have any kids. Or else he would sympathize a little bit more. "She's going to be okay, Gina. There's a 70% chance of her waking up," Dr. Raimer says. I stop thrashing.

70%? Holy crap, that's a high chance. I relax and continues to remember. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a lighter in Nick's hand! Nick set the fire! Wait, how do you set plastic on fire? Never mind. I think about the map a bit more. Then it comes to me. He uses members of the packs to set the mines! That's how they can't be detected!

I realize Dr. Raimer is talking to me again. "Well Gina, the smoke has worked its way out of your system. You can leave," he says as he begins to detach me from the machines. I get up and head towards Pediatrics freely. When I enter the ICU, I see Cody, Nate, and Josh sitting beside Klara in her bed. I take the empty seat next to Nate. "Wassup?" I ask.

It nearly gives all three a heart attack. Then, I'm mobbed by hugs. Cody's is very bone crushing. "Lord! Cody! I can't breathe!" I say with a laugh. I tell them what the doctor said and they all look happy. "Te yoon io rwql ftred," I say to Cody in the old language. (We need to talk later,) I can almost see him questioning it in his mind. "Okay," he answers. Suddenly, Klara yawns. Our heads all snap towards her. She doesn't wake, but she stirs.

"Let's go. The doctors will let us know when she's up," I say. Cody and I take the boys out and home. Klara is on my thoughts as Cody drives "The Van." How did my dear Klara get caught up in this? I mean, Nick and I are not on speaking terms, but when did Luna 2.0 decide to become a part? My thoughts cloud my mind all night. When Nate and Josh are asleep, Cody confronts me.

"Okay, what are we supposed to be talking 'bout?" he asks. I fidget awkwardly, take a deep breath, and begin. "I think Nick and his Luna 2.0 have something against me," I say. I stop for breath and collect my shaking nerves. "I mean, I remembered the scene about 2 minutes before I went to get The Triplets. Nick and Luna 2.0 both left the table. Out of the corner of my eye, I guess, I saw a lighter in Nick's hand. Also, Luna 2.0 headed towards the toddler play center, her eyes trained on Klara," I emphasize Klara's name.

Cody thinks it over. I guess he knows I'm right. "Seriously, what could Luna 2.0 have against me? She has one thing I don't. My mate," I say, choking up on the last part. "It's the fact that, in my opinion anyway, you're prettier, smarter, taller, stronger, and there's always the fact that Nick will always love you," Cody points out. I face palm. Of course! I'm an idiot. The mate bond can be broken, but a ghost of it always remains.

Because I was the rejectee, I feel a ghost of the pain. But since Nick was the rejecter, he feels a ghost of love. "Well, I'm certain he's buried the guy I met. I don't even know who he is anymore. I mean, treason? The man has to be freaking ballistic to commit murder willingly!" I point out. "Yeah. Using members of the packs to set the mines so there would be no detection," Cody mutters.

I realize something. Something so important, I don't know how I could've missed it! "It means we have a traitor/traitors in our pack. Those mines are just about ready to be set up," I say. This may be the most important thing in the entire conversation!


A nice long chappie, eh? It's cuz I'm going up to my trailer with my family for a week starting tomorrow, so I probably can't update. Believe me, I'll try. Even if I can't, I'll be writing up drafts that I can publish when I get home. So look forward to lots of chappies!


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