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Gina's POV

"Shut up!" Nick hisses. I smirk. Oh I am so done hiding his secrets. There is a collective gasp from the group around us. I bet they can't believe someone would cheat on their mate! "Yep. It's true. Who knows how many girls he's had sex with while he and I were mated," I say. I feel a weight lifting off my heart. I had been harbouring his secrets for much too long. "Now he has his Luna 2.0. And...The pressure he puts on his pack is enormous. You wouldn't believe it. His pack members always have to do exactly what he asks them," I say, but I'm not done yet.

"I mean like, exactly. If he asks you to cook Kraft Dinner for him in 10 minutes, and it isn't done in exactly ten minutes, you get tortured," The weight was decreasing. I had one more to spill, then I would be free. "The lower ranked women in his pack? Treated like prostitutes. The single high rankers buy them. And well, you know," I finish. Nick looks pale and angry at me. Of course he would be. I just dragged all his dirty little secrets out in public.

Luna 2.0 looks astounded. Not surprising. I feel a little bad for being such a gossip, but I'm free now. Totally free. I don't have to carry around all his burdens for his stupid choices. "You shut your trap you f***ing b*tch!" Nick growls/shouts. I look towards everyone's children playing. How could they not hear that? "No, I will not shut my trap. I'm going to keep talking. Capishe?" I say. Nick slumps in his seat. I give him a quick smile. "I think demotion is in order. Don't you Alpha Steven? I mean, for treason?" I ask sweetly.

"Nooo!!! Not demotion! Please!!! I'll do anything!! Don't take my title!" he begs. Steven looks like he's considering something. I glance at Cody. Anything? His raised eyebrows ask. I nod, confirming the message. Anything. "Nicholas. Since you have never been in serious trouble before, I will merely suspend your Alpha privileges for two months. You will have absolutely no power in your pack. Anything requiring a leader's permission shall be looked at by your Luna, Cordelia," Steven says.

"Too kind," I hear mutters say. I agree. Way too kind, in my opinion. At least Ellis's privileges won't be suspended. It's Nick's, Jenna cheers. It means he can't hurt anyone! Celebrate good times! I do a victory dance in my head but remain composed on the outside. I also learned Luna 2.0's name. I just wonder what he named his daughter? Karin. Ellis and Nick both like the name Karin. Remember? Jenna says. I do remember. It is Nick's top favorite baby girl name.

Off topic. Now. Why do you think he did all that stuff? I ask.

Jenna shrugs. Who knows? Nick may just be a psychotic b*stard.

True. Like he jumped off a bookshelf and landed on his head when he was a toddler.

Jenna giggles. So specific, but probably true.

I stop talking to her and take in my surroundings again. There's an odd silence in the air. Then, I smell the smoke. Fire. I leap out of my chair to disapproving looks and hurry to go find my children. "Fire!" I bellow. Everyone else starts shuffling about and listens. I see Nate and Josh but no Klara. "Mommy! Klara in play center!" Nate yells in my ear. I see the fire now. Right underneath the plastic. I cough, then I hear the screams of children. "Stay with Uncle Cody!" I say to both of them.

I thank the Moon Goddess I'm so skinny as I climb up through the tubes. It's harder than I remember, but I keep going. In one plastic room with yoga balls, I see about eight startled, and trapped, kids ranging from 1-6. Klara is sitting in the middle of the mix, protected by a six year old. The smoke gets thicker and the kids start to cough. "Come on!" I say.

I lead them all towards a slide. The smoke is even thicker down here. Klara isn't even conscious. I pair up small kids with bigger ones and watch as they whiz down. I pick up Klara and slide down as the last pair. I am coughing violently now. I see Cody and my sons together and lurch towards them. It appears somebody called the fire department, because they show up.

I throw up in a garbage can. I can see grey spots and my stomach clenches. Everyone rushes out, me carrying Klara, and I breathe in the fresh air to try and clean my lungs. I still cough violently and the paramedics, who have just arrived, usher us into an ambulance. Eventually at the hospital, I get drowsy. Because of the smoke. The paramedics say Klara and I inhaled a lot. It's the last thing I hear before I pass out.


Jeebus! I wonder who set the fire? First person who guesses right gets a dedication next chappie!


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