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Gina's POV

"Gina! Don't you dare walk away from me! Gina!" Nick's yells fall on my deaf ears. I'm not talking to him. I could talk to the wall and have a more mature discussion. I make it to my room in record time. I open the door and am swarmed by my babies. Cody leans casually near the door frame.

"They heard you shouting and they got scared. I literally just calmed them down," he says. Oops. Yeah, oops. Jenna mutters. What's got her in such a bad mood? Why are you in a bad mood? I ask. I take care to leave out any comments, sarcastic or not. I'm just upset. I've been thinking about it, and I'm angry he got off so easily for bombing territories. I wish we had some proof against him for other things. Like holding Molly's brother hostage and hiring the play place. Jenna spills.

Now that I think of it, Nick did get off too easily. I wonder if I could build up a case that would require him getting a mental examination, since he is clearly not in his right mind. I just notice Cody's staring at me, amused. "What are you planning? Something against Nick?" he asks. I stare at him in complete shock. Is he pyschic, or something? "How'd you know?" I ask. Cody stand up straight.

"You've got that look in your eye. The one you would get before we pulled a revenge prank." Ah, yes. The revenge pranks. I quickly explain my idea while my Nate and Josh wrap themselves around my legs with Klara pulling on my hand. I take one step and fall right over, taking care to twist my body so that neither of the boys get injured. "Oof! You monsters are so silly!" I say with a giggle. The boys detach themselves from my legs and Klara puts her face near mine. "Hi," she says, her high voice loud and clear.

"Hi guys. I know you want to play, but Mommy has to get up," I say. Reluctantly, they allow me the privelege of getting up. By that they crawl off of me. I stand back up. Well, my birthday went from good to bad real quick. There's a knock at my door. "I call not opening that," I say and back away. Cody rolls his eyes and opens the door.

Alpha Jerome walks in. "Gina, I apologize for telling about where you were. Head Alpha Steven forced it out of me. He caught me lying." I know these words are true. It just strikes me as odd. Why now? Is Nick really that stupid? Well...

I'm contemplating the answer to my own question when a smell reaches my nose. Not a nice one. Smoke and lighter fluid. I can see smoke in the hallway from the open door. Cody runs out to go and track down the source. I would prefer to help, but my children come first. I slam it shut and stuff a towel in the crack under the door.

The triplets are standing up with curious looks on their faces. I gently herd all of them to my room, the furthest from the hallway. I close the door and stuff my shirts in the crack. I open the window to let fresh air in. The smell gets stronger. I hear a little gasp and I turn, eyes trained on Klara.

She's panicking. I can hear her heart race and her breaths getting shallower. I bend down and wrap my arms around her. Nate and Josh join in the hug. "You're safe, Klary. You're safe," I repeat. It could possibly be a lie, but it's not safe for her to have a panic attack. Not here, anyways.

The smell cuts off and I hear running feet. I remove my bedroom safeguard and open the door. I do the same to the hallway. I almost giggle at the sight. Nick's on the floor with Cody's foot in the small of his back. The Cold Packs Police Department has arrived a and they're busy arresting him for attempted arson. Goodbye, Alpha privileges, Jenna sings in my mind. I heartily agree.

A newer cop, I can tell by the way he's standing back from the scene, looks at me and snorts. "Good job, Master Warrior," he says sarcastically. I give him such a threatening gaze he takes several steps back. "My children come first," I reply, every word is cold as ice. He takes another step back. Nick is dragged near me. I do the most immature thing I could probably do in this moment.

I spit on him. Not much, but enough. He deserves it. He is a lowlife excuse of a man. More like a man child. This hate I feel is the real thing.


Hey guys! I have no idea why the chapter didn't upload properly yesterday. I mean, last night it was fine. Tonight, about 1/3 of it disappeared. Wth, Wattpad? Anyways, if you saw the original yesterday, good. Just here's the new version of it, cuz of the not uploading thing. Sorry for any inconvenience!

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