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(Time skip: The day after tomorrow...)

Gina's POV

The initial rush of getting off an airplane reminds me on why I hate them. Cody looks even more restless than usual. Honestly, I hate airplanes in general. After a bit of a back up, we exit and rotate through customs easily. I feel better the closer we get to leaving the airport. Every step I take is one more closer to my baby.

I hail a cab outside the airport. I give the driver the address of WhiteMoon's pack house. Cody's fidgeting starts up more often the closer we get. "What's up?" I ask him. He runs his fingers nervously through his hair. After years of observing his behaviour, I can tell this is a sensitive subject. "My wolf is out of sorts. Other than that, I dunno." He runs his fingers through his hair again.

I see the pack house up ahead. This time, Cody almost starts jumping out of his seat. The cab driver pulls over near the side of the road. We get out and pay him without exchanging a word. The familiar building looms over me, whispering tales of the past. I walk towards the door. A van is parked nearby. A creepy white one at that.

I'm unsure of what to do now. Fortunately, Cody reaches his hand out and knocks on the door. A kind looking older lady answers. "Goddess, that's an unusual chill. Come in before you freeze." Conviently, a cold wind rushes by out of nowhere. Luck seems to be on my side.

She lets us in and seats us on a sofa in a little parlor like room. "I'll just go and inform the Alpha of your presence. What are your names, dears?" She asks. Cody answers first, and it comes out quickly. "Cody Cameron." I consider my answer a little longer. Finally, I answer. "Gina." The lady looks startled as she rushes up the stairs.

"Whatever has my wolf on edge is getting closer," Cody mutters. I smell a new scent come by. A strong smell of fruit envelops my nose. Wow. I almost cough at the thick blanket it seems to create in the air. Then it quickly disappears. The lady comes rushing back. "The Alpha shall see you in his office. I will take you up."

I feel my nerves growing. Soon, I can scent Josh. He's in there! My baby! The lady opens the door and ushers us in, slamming it behind us. Josh rushes over and tackles my legs. I pick him up and hug him tight. He's here. He's alive and uninjured. A couple tears slide out of my eyes against my will. I was so worried about Josh.

"Mate," I hear Cody whisper. I look up and match his gaze. He's staring right at Cori. Oh no, Jenna says sadly. I can sense Cody's overwhelming feelings of hurt over the packlink. "Y-you're m-m-married," Cody stutters. "And you have a child!" This is not good.

Cori moves from Nick towards Cody. He takes a step back quickly. "I'm sorry," she says. I feel like I'm watching something that's not meant for me to see. Cody's hurt passes onto his face in an expression. "I've been looking for you since I was 16. I'm 23 now. You never bothered to check if I existed. It's like you didn't care about the idea of Mates!" I see the anger start to swell up inside him.

"Seven years I looked for you. Seven long years. I traveled from pack to pack, searching for the one I would call my Mate. You obviously didn't even bother to look for me. It's like you never even cared! Never even cared that you would be sacrificing someone else's lifetime happiness for 5 years of your own. And you just went on like it never-" Cody's voice starts to progress to a shout. I cut him off.

"Enough. This is not something to be discussed under these circumstances," I reply. Cody shuts up, considering a different point of view. "I suppose," he replies. He looks like he just aged 5 years. I shift my focus to Nick. He seems mildly amused by all the drama. "You. Why did you take one of my sons?" I ask sharply.

A smile crosses his face. Not a good smile. "Don't you mean our sons?" He replies. Now it's my turn to get angry. "Any man can father a child. It takes a real man to be one. You are not a man. You're a stupid teenager trapped in an adult's body," I say coldly. His smile disappears.

"He's the next Alpha of my pack," Nick says. As if that explains it. Josh looks at me oddly. He seems interested in this. "Mommy, why is the man talking about Nate?" He asks. Nick sits up straight. Goddess, Joshie. Why now? I think to myself. Just great. "Nick, you're an idiot," I say aloud. He steps out from behind his desk.

"So I got the wrong one, huh?" He takes his hand out from behind his back. He holds a fully loaded pistol. I can tell it's loaded with silver bullets. I back away slowly. "Let's not make any rash decisions here," I say quickly. I put Josh down and attempt to push him behind me, never taking my eyes off Nick.

"Nothing smart to say, Gina?" Nick asks as he moves closer. I keep stepping backwards. Josh gets out in front of me. "No! Joshie!" I yell and pull him back. I squat down to the ground in order to hide him better. "You're the one with the gun. What does it matter what I think?" I reply. Nick aims the gun at my chest, one hand on the trigger and the other one keeping it steady.

"Get out of the way, Gina," he orders. Never! Jenna says in a war chant. I turn my thoughts into words. "Never!" I repeat. My heart starts to pound inside my chest. "Get out of the way! I will not repeat myself!" He orders again. I stare defiantly at him. "My child's life is more important than my own," I reply, shielding Josh.

I hear a loud boom and something burrow into my chest. I fall backwards as the stinging sensation of silver creeps up form my chest. I see a trace of red and I'm afraid to look down even more. My breathing becomes shallow. I feel the silver preventing my blood from clotting. I see Josh has looked away. "I love you," I choke out to him. Darkness starts to envelop my sight. Against my will, my eyes close. "Gina no!" I hear Cody yell. A little voice in the back of my mind starts talking. It's too late. Just give up, it says.

I'm really going to die.


Wow. This was one holy shlit chapter. No, still can't shoot me. I still have to fix this first. See! Nick's a crazy one. #HumpDaySurprises, huh?

Honestly, do you guys think Gina will die?

Um. I think I've been hanging around my psychotic best friend too much, if I wrote a chappie like this. Seriously, somebody get me to the mental hospital. And fast.

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