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[A/N: Pic of Gina up at the top. At the right for computer readers! See you at the bottom!]

Gina's POV

I wake up in a better mood than usual. Oh, yeah. My little girl is back home where she belongs. I rise quickly and make my bed. I check the clock. 8 in the morning. The triplets will be waking up soon and crawling out of their toddler beds. They develop fast, even for Alpha children.My phone pings and I snatch it off the bedside table.

Happy 19th birthday! -Cody the awesome. Oh man. I check the calendar. June 6th, 2016. Definitely my birthday. No wonder I woke up in such a good mood. I catch sight of my face in the mirror. I have changed and I didn't even know. My eyes are sparkling more and my hair has grown much longer. I look...happy.

I leave my room and start fixing up some egg sandwiches for breakfast. I cut them up into smaller squares for the triplets to eat. Just as I set down the last sippy cup of juice, my little monsters come tearing out of their rooms and straight for the table. I strap them all into their booster seats. They all start wolfing down their food like I never feed them. I hear Cody wander in through the door.

"Is that food I smell?" he asks. Since he isn't in the room yet, I decide to mess with him a bit. "Ah, nope. It's burning laundry," I reply. I hear his little noise of outrage and he wanders in. "Can't believe I fell for that," he mutters under his breath. I keep my mouth shut to keep from giggling like a school girl. Cody grabs an omelet off the table. He bites into it and looks at me in surprise. "How did you know I like red peppers?" he asks. I throw a hand towel at him.

"That was my omelet and I happen to like red peppers." He looks at me like a deer in headlights. "Oops." I shake my head and sigh comedically. I turn my back for literally one second and hear Cody's stolen omelet disappear. "Ew dude. Close your mouth," I chastise. He gets up and grabs all the empty plates, since the triplets eat almost as fast as he does, and puts them in the dishwasher. He pulls an old looking box out of his pocket and sets it in front of me. "Happy birthday. Also, you're not gonna believe this," he says.

I frown slightly before I catch the writing on the box. Property of Belle Violetta Schmidt-Kirke. 2001. My heart grows slightly heavier. The year she died. I open the box carefully. Inside are two rings. My mother's engagement ring and her platinum wedding band inlaid with her favorite gemstone, amethysts. I pull out both rings and examine them. Just as immaculate as I remember her keeping them. The emeralds in the engagement ring sparkle in the kitchen lights.

I put on the wedding band. I carefully put away the engagement ring back in the box. I blink back slight tears. They bring back memories. Mostly good ones, but a few bad ones. "Thanks Cody. Where did you find them?" I ask, already knowing the answer. "The old tree at Blue Ridge cliff. Your Dad used to take us there when we were small, remember?" I remember a few play dates up there. This is more emotional than I anticipated, but I can see the thoughtfulness.

"Appy Birfday Mama," the triplets cry out in unison. I see Cody back away from them, trying to pull off the I didn't do it look. "Wow, thank you, my wonderful babies," I say and give each a hug. A smile blooms on my face. This is probably on of my better birthdays. Maybe the best. Cody gets fake upset. "Where's my hug?" he fake whines. Nate giggles at him outright. Klara and Josh laugh. Literally laugh. I hug him. "Better?" I ask.

"Much obliged," he replies diplomatically. Josh throws his cup at Cody and narrowly misses hitting him in the face. He spawns a revolution and I catch Nate's just before it bops my left eye. I see Cody took Klara's to the shoulder, it being obvious because of the wet stain on his green shirt. We return the cups to their appropriate owners and warn them about not throwing.

I release the triplets to go and play. My phone goes off just then. I peek at caller ID. Jerome. I hesitantly answer it. "Hello?" I ask.

"Gina? Somebody would like to speak to you in my office," Jerome replies uncomfortably. Uh oh. I know who.

"Who?" I ask anyways. I see the skies have darkened.

"Someone who says he knows you very well. I am upset you kept this from me but we'll discuss that later." He is avoiding the answer.

"Alpha, who wants to see me?" I ask firmly. I hear his sigh through the phone and I feel my anxiety growing.

"I apologise in advance. Nick Caine wants to see you." I sense the Alpha command. That makes 100 times worse.

My phone drops from my hands and onto the floor. Jerome calls my name and I feel my heart start to race. Oh no. No, no, no! He found me. He friggin found me! How on Earth did he find me? "I-I-I'll be up in a- in a minute," I reply nervously as I crouch down near the floor to pick up my thankfully not broken phone. I hang up on Jerome. Why does Nick want to see me?

"Oh, Moon Goddess, please, help me," I say in English, then in old wolf.


Boom! Bombshell! This is such an exciting chapter that I couldn't wait for Wednesday. So you guys get to enjoy it early!


1: How did Nick find Gina? (She never told him what pack she was in.)

2: What will go down in the office?

Find out on Wednesday!

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