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Gina's POV

Inevitably, I make my up to the Alpha's office. I go as slow as possible without arriving rudely. His office door arrives faster than I would like it too. I take a deep breath, collecting my courage and attempting to calm myself down. I send a quick wish to the Moon Goddess and open the door. My feet move against my will and walk in.

This isn't some cruel joke. Nick is actually here. His dirty blonde hair and coal black eyes look the same as I remember. "Hello, Alpha Nicholas," I say formally. My voice sounds suspiciously like a monotone. Alpha Jerome looks at us like we're two fighting children. "Just...discuss. Mainly the secret you kept, Gina," he says aloud. -I'm sorry, but I couldn't hide it any longer. Head Alpha Steven forced it out of me. I'm sorry, Gina.- He explains over the pack link. My eyes flash in indirect anger.

Jerome leaves the room. Nick looks at me, clears his throat awkwardly, then takes a seat. I take one as far away from him as possible. "Gina, what secret were you keeping from me?" he asks. I snort. Oh no. We're dealing with him first. I give him my best icy stare. "Well, Nicholas. What's secret were you keeping from me?" I counter. This discussion is going to go nowhere. And fast.

"I didn't want to be mated down," Nick blurts out. I was not expecting him to tell the truth, but this was an answer I already had. "You didn't have the decency to reject me when we met? Or when you started developing feelings for others? So you decided to break my heart over and over again with little to no regard of the repercussions? What happened to the guy who wrote me a song for my 16th birthday? We were together for 2 years, Nick!" I shout. My heart is begging me not to open old wounds but my mind urges me too.

"I spoent countless nights unable to sleep with a searing pain in my chest. Because you didn't have the decency to end our relationship earlier! I spent long hours thinking: what's wrong with me? Does my mate not love me? Am I unlovable? I don't even have any other words to describe what you did!" I finish my little speech. I feel...lighter somehow. As if I reached closure. Nick leans forward in his chair, his elbows on his thighs.

"What about the secret you hid from me, Gina? Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant? Then perhaps I wouldn't of rejected you!" My heart leaps into my throat. He would of used our- scratch that, my children as a tie to keep a failing relationship together? "Did you not hear what you just said? Children are not meant to be used as bargaining chips, Nicholas. I would rather my kids grow up not knowing about you than to have them wonder: would he hate me if he met me?" I slap my hand over my mouth. I just spilled part of my secret!

Nick looks up at me. I see interest spark in his eyes. "Children? You mean, there's more than one?" he asks. I know there's no point in putting it off anymore. He knows. Might as well tell him the rest. "Yes. I have three kids. Two sons and a daughter. I've said this once and I'll say it again. I, Gina Belle Kirke, Mother of Nathan Connor Kirke, Joshua Devin Kirke, and Klara Violetta Kirke, hereby block any fatherly connection to Nicholas Conrad Caine," I say defiantly.

Nick looks blank. It worked the first time. Jerome barges back in. "Gina, you didn't..." he seems speechless. I look at him with a hard look in my eyes. My face remains neutral and impassive. "I did. I rejected and blocked his fatherly connection to the triplets," I reply. There is a possibility Nick could drag me to Werewolf court for this, but I would win the case. There's no point.

"You let your Luna b*tch plant Klara in that play center before you lit in on fire. You have no business being near her. In fact, I could get a restraining order on you. Goodbye, Nicholas. This discussion is over." With that I get up and turn on my heels in one swift motion. I walk out of the office with my head up. I head back to my little apartment, mainly just because I want to be near my babies.

I hear footsteps following me. By the scent I know it's Nick. "Gina wait!" I turn towards him. "What could you possibly say now, pyro?" I ask. He looks sadly at me. I'm not falling for his BS anymore. "I'm sorry," he says. I know he's telling the truth, but I turn back around and keep walking away.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, Nicholas. Not for what you put me through. Nobody deserves that." My voice echoes off the hallway walls and I don't care. Right now, that pyromaniac of an ex-mate doesn't matter one little bit.


And here's today's chappie! Drama filled? Don't worry I know. For the readers who don't know: A pyromaniac is someone who likes fire and...well...burning things.

You guys like how everything was drawn out? I know. I'm good. [I'm also not very humble ]

I feel this chapter should be dedicated to @AngelGoddessmpq [I think I got it right. Please, correct if I'm I am wrong.]

I read on the interwebs that a baby daddy can drag his former partner to court for not being told she was pregnant. Weird, huh?

See ya Friday! Happy Hump day! Lol.

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