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"Eraserhead?" Izuku said, both shock and awe evident in his voice. Izuku could see the man widen his eyes slightly, as if surprised, but he hid it well. The rest of his face remained in the same bored expression. For the first time since meeting him, the man, or Eraserhead as Izuku reminded himself, spoke. "Yeah kid, I'm Eraserhead. I'm surprised you recognise me, most people don't even know I exist,
let alone know me well enough to recognise me out of my hero suit." The bored expression stayed, but his eyebrows quirked slightly, as if enjoying some sort of humour in the situation.

"Well I- um may have slightly studied you, seeing as you are one of the only heroes who fights quirkless..." Izuku realised that it may sound a little offensive, especially if he happened to have certain views of quirkless people, and so he quickly shut his mouth. Instead of anger, he saw the man's expression soften slightly, as if he had come to a realisation in that moment. "I assume you are quirkless yourself?" He said, Izuku unable to discern any clear emotion or intent in those words. Not trusting his voice, he simply nodded his head in response.

Another sigh escaped the older man's lips, and he seemed almost conflicted. Before Izuku could question it, it seemed he had come to some internal decision and turned around. Izuku's heart fell slightly, but he was only picking up his dropped grocery's, before turning back to kid. "The fact you know me at all is impressive, but realising from so little information is already a skill." With that he turned around, clearly done with the brief interaction, but Izuku wasn't, he had to ask him. He needed an answer from the hero he respected on the same level as All Might, even if for very different reasons. Maybe in this case he was the best hero to ask, the one to give the most honest answer, so he couldn't miss this chance.
"Eraserhead sir," the man turned back at the mention of his name. "Is there any chance that a quirkless person could be a hero, like you?"

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