Fateful meeting

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Izuku gaped as All Might stood in front of him. He couldn't believe he was getting to meet his favourite, well second favourite now, hero.

All Might was such an epic figure it felt almost surreal to see him in person, although Izuku did find it odd he hadn't seen All Might around school yet. He seemed like a man who would like to show himself off, but maybe he had misread the hero slightly, or maybe Aizawa's pessimism was getting to him.

Either way, he was a bit upset Shinso wasn't with him, but it couldn't be helped. He'd just have to suck it up for the day, he'd been doing it for years before he even met Shinso.
Izuku could not handle a nice Bakugo. After years of enduring his bullying, he wasn't able to take any gestures of kindness at face value, or even neutral gestures really. He almost jumped when Bakugo patted him on his back and wished him luck.

But that didn't matter, he needed to focus. Apparently they were testing their level after the internships, or in general for Izuku, and were doing a race to reach All Might, which counted as "rescuing" him. Izuku couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he finally reached him. He couldn't wait to be encouraged by the number one hero himself.

He readied himself on top of the cityscape of battle area Gamma. He envisioned his route, leaping from building to piping, jumping from wall to wall. He waited. He heard the shout to start. His eyes snapped open.
He couldn't believe he'd actually won...

Iida literally had engines for legs, and he'd still beaten him, although this wasn't exactly over open land so he could give the boy a pass. He stood panting in front of All Might, waiting for everyone else to make it. He felt the man shifting uncomfortably behind him, and Izuku couldn't think why. It's not like they'd met before, and he hadn't even said anything to the man, so he couldn't have offended him.

Unless, his mere presence was offensive to him? No, there's no way All Might was against quirkless people, he knew for certain he'd saved at least a few in his time. But what if he was against quirkless people becoming hero's? It made some sense, seeing as he fought the worst of the worst, he'd knew exactly how bad being a hero could be, and maybe he just felt they weren't strong enough.

It was rational, but it still hurt to think about. He'd just hoped All Might would be better than that, but he couldn't think of any other reason. Maybe he'd ask the hero later, if it kept happening. He'd rather know than just let his mind keep theorising, at least that's what he told himself.

Before he could get further dragged into his own head, the last person arrived, ending their contest.

He didn't feel all that happy as All Might crowned him the winner.
He met Shinso at the school gate. They started heading back to their respective houses, Izuku somewhat lost in his thoughts until Shinso turned to him. "You do know Bakugo is following us?". "Yeah, his house is right next to mine. Also he's trying to make amends." It seemed that was enough for Shinso as he simply turned around and said "Neat."

Not long after, Shinso split off, and Izuku walked alone, well practically alone, Bakugo was doing a good job of being quiet, especially for him. He appreciated the effort, but the silence was becoming stifling.

"Kacchan, I know your trying to make amends, but acting like a stalker isn't helping." Izuku said, stopping in his tracks. He heard a huff from behind him, before the blonde walked up beside him, and they continued walking in tandem. "Whatever nerd." Izuku felt no venom behind is words, and he knew it wouldn't be much longer before both he and his mother forgave the boy. The Midoriya's had one flaw, and it was being too kind. Both he and his mother didn't mind that title too much.

"You did good today." Izuku still wasn't use to being complimented by Bakugo, and it took him a bit too long to respond. "Yeah, you too.."

The fell into an uncomfortable silence for a bit, getting closer to their street. It seemed Bakugo had run out of patience, and turned to the green haired boy beside him. "How did you get so strong?" Izuku blinked at him, then responded "I had someone who believed in me, who was willing to teach me." Bakugo seemed satisfied with that, and they returned to the silence, now slightly less uncomfortable.

A few minutes later, Bakugo turned to him again. "I want to meet him." Izuku nearly laughed, but mostly held it in. Bakugo glared at him, but it, again, held no real menace.

"But Bakugo, I can't do that." Izuku said, almost teasingly. "Why the hell not?!" He could tell Bakugo was starting to get frustrated, but he was feeling slightly cocky. "Because, Kacchan, you've already met him!" With that, Izuku ran off, only a minute away from his house.

Bakugo called after him. "Who is it you nerd?! Tell me right now Izuku!"

He loved hearing that from his childhood friend once again, it had been years, and he had sorely missed it.

For that moment, everything was alright.

A/N bit of a nicer chapter, I hope you enjoyed. Still slightly short but this felt like a good ending.

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