Now entering: Hell

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It was time for end of term exams. Izuku knew that he and Shinso would be alright with the other subjects, having done practically the same work while in the General Education course, but he was very worried about the hero training exam. He knew from his research of the last few years that the exam had been against robots, which would not bode well for him and Shinso, but he also thought that might have changed for this year. You may think Izuku would be happy at this, it meant they wouldn't be at such a disadvantage, but they weren't going to make the exam easier, so what could they possibly do to make it harder.


There is no way. They wouldn't, would they. He pictured the so-called "rat bastard" cackling in his head. They definitely would.

They would be fighting the teachers.
After Izuku told him about his theory, Shinso began to feel a mix of emotions. Relief, as now his quirk wouldn't be useless, but also fear, as they would be fighting actually pro heroes. He and Izuku needed to put in all the training they could to have any hope of victory.

So that's what they did. They had more sessions with Aizawa, Izuku trying to check his theory was correct with a few leading questions, which the pro hero promptly ignored. Bakugo even joined them once, which was a nice change as they'd only been fighting quirkless, but now Izuku and Shinso could learn to fight against someone with a powerful quirk. This, and the amount of running, weight curling and sparring themselves, led them to both feel pretty secure as the exams approached.

They still took time to revise the other subjects. All their hard work would be in vain if they failed the written exams. They even had a group study session with all of class 1A, which gave both Izuku and Shinso the chance to get to know their classmates a lot better. Izuku felt he had gotten a lot closer with Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki, although Todoroki was still quite closed off.

The big study session meant everyone was able to improve any subjects they were struggling on, leading to everyone feeling much better about the upcoming exams.

Shinso watched as Bakugo sat with Kirishima. Izuku had already told him that, although they weren't friends again yet, he thought it was a matter of time. Shinso thought Izuku had gone mad. It was only about a month ago that Bakugo had literally broken his bones, and Izuku was forgiving him. He'd just have to keep the blonde haired boy in check, he sure as hell wasn't forgiving him any time soon, or even at all.

Bakugo didn't deserve as kind a person as Izuku as a friend, of that Shinso was sure, but if it would make Izuku happier, Shinso wouldn't stop him. That didn't mean he had to be nice to the boy, maybe mess him around a bit, test his resolve in making amends.

Shinso let a small smirk grace his lips, maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all.
They had a week of written exams for normal subjects, including Maths, Japanese and English. It was a long week, but due to all the time they'd put into revising, both together and on their own, both Izuku and Shinso felt pretty good about how they'd done. Izuku could tell that Kacchan had thought he'd done well, as he wasn't being as antisocial or aggressive, even letting Kirishima sling his arm round his shoulder.

Izuku smiled at that. Even if they couldn't be as good friends as they had been before, he was glad Bakugo was able to make some new ones. He also hoped he'd be able to get to know the red headed Kirishima better too, he'd come to like the both through the little interaction they'd had.

But now it was time for the hardest test of all. He'd all but confirmed that it was the teachers they were facing. Aizawa trying to hide a smirk behind his capture weapon whenever Izuku brought up the topic.

He just hoped they were prepared.
He truly hated Nezu, that rat bastard. He just had to put him with Bakugo, which wouldn't be too bad on its own, but they were up against All Might! How could they beat All Might?!

Bakugo, of course, was acting all confident, but Izuku could see he also knew it would be far from easy, maybe even impossible. If Bakugo could see how bad it was going to be, they were really screwed.

They'd need a plan, that much was evident, and Izuku still wasn't certain where he and Bakugo stood, if he'd listen to a plan Izuku made.

He'd have to be extra careful, maybe he could make a plan while watching the other fights, he was excited to see his classmates progress.

He watched as Kirishima and Sato pounded against Cementoss' walls, eventually running out of steam. He tutted, they hadn't even thought of a plan at all, and just pounded at the pro hero who was in a cityscape and can manipulate cement. It was very idiotic in Izuku's opinion.

Asui and Tokoyami passed by the skin of their teeth, although Asui's use of her reversible stomach, while revolting, was ingenious against Ectoplasm.

Iida and Ojiro did well against Power Loader, managing to outmanoeuvre him. It seemed Iida had learned something from Hosu, that sometimes it was necessary to run away and get help! Maybe Izuku was still a bit mad about the whole thing, but I don't think you could blame him.

Todoroki and Yaoyorozu vs Eraser Head was very useful, even if Aizawa did eventually "let" them win, although Izuku did know he was cautious so he wasn't entirely certain if the man was lying about being wary of Todoroki attacking him. Either, Izuku was happy for his kind of friends, especially Yaoyorozu.

Uraraka and Aoyama also only passed by the skin of their teeth, but for some reason Uraraka fell into Thirteen's black hole, causing her to drop it, and then took them down. It was confusing, but Izuku didn't have much time to dwell on it before the next match started.

Which happened to be Ashido and Kaminari vs Nezu. He knew they'd lost from the start, but he hadn't expected for Nezu to still give them a way out, and it made him lose just a little bit of respect for them, although he understood that everyone would have struggled against the rat bastard.

He didn't have high hopes for Koda in his fight with Jiro against Present Mic, but he didn't know about his fear of bugs. He saw Aizawa grin as his husband screamed, his teacher really was a sadist.

Hagakure and Shoji's plan against snipe was effective, if somewhat basic. At least they won, and without it being a fluke, which is more than he could say for some of the others he'd already seen.

Mineta and Sero's fight against Midnight was always going to be something else, but he did not see Mineta being the one to win it for them. The grape boy had done well, even if he'd done it for the wrong reasons.

And finally, it was their turn. He stood with Bakugo behind the massive gate which led onto the cityscape they'd be fighting in. It slowly creaked open, revealing a large path with a figure standing at the end.

He could just make out All Might in his hero costume, and he say his famous smile on his face. However, when it was aimed at him it didn't feel so heroic, it was terrifying.

A/N slightly longer than the usual. Next chapter will only be, probably, Bakugo and Izuku vs All Might, I'll see how much it needs for me to feel good with it. Either way, I hope you enjoyed and have a great day!

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