Everyones got a plan

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All Might stood outside of a dingy and rundown building, that just so happened to be the base, or one of the bases, of the league of villains. His anger at the villains had only grown over time, from the USJ incident, to their attack on the camp and kidnapping of one of his students. He readied a punch to instantly break the whole wall in front of him.

"Pizza delivery!" With that call, he let loose the smash. He took in the scene before him, the villains standing around looking shocked, and Izuku behind them, looking mostly unscathed. He was even untied.

However, instead of the normal look of relief someone held when he arrived to save them, All Might only say fear.

He shoved it to the back of his mind for later, as his fellow heroes subdued the villains. He moved over to Midoriya, just as he seemed to recover from his initial shock and fear. He stepped back, and said "All Might, it's a t-" just as he was about to finish, a black gunk emerged from his mouth, then consumed his body, as it did with the captured villains. He made a grab for the boy, but only ended up catching thin air.

"Nooo!" Was all he could shout.
Just as the press conference was finishing, and Izuku was allowed to stop watching his surrogate father be ridiculed by the media, Shigaraki switched channels, to a weird static.

He could hear something in the static, almost a voice. Then it spoke properly. "Shigaraki, my successor, I have reason to believe that the press conference that just occurred was simply a ruse to lure us into a false sense of security. The heroes will be attacking tonight." Somehow the man must have seen Shigaraki about to speak up, and cut him off. "Now, before you say anything, I've prepared for this eventuality. If I am right, then this fight will be the end of the symbol of peace." Izuku saw Shiagaraki's eyes shine at the sick and twisted promise that the man, who was obviously Shigaraki's master, had just made.

The screen crackled, then turned off. Shigaraki turned to him. "Isn't that great. Them coming to save you will lead to the death of the symbol of peace!" All the other villains who had been watching the conference had a similar glint in their eyes.

Shigaraki, for seemingly no reason, let him out of the chair, although he still couldn't escape due to Kurogiri's teleportation as well as Shigaraki's disintegration.

There was a knock in the door, dragging everyone's attention. "Pizza delivery!" Izuku was very confused at that, none of the villains would have given out the address for delivery...

It had to be the heroes. He had to warn them, especially if All Might was there.

The wall was busted down, and Izuku saw the man himself. But instead of hope and relief he only felt fear. He took a slight step back, somewhat afraid that if the hero tried to save him, then he would die like that "master" had predicted.

His logical brain took over, and he opened his mouth to warn them like he'd planned. "All Might, it's a t-" he only got that far before he found his airways blocked by something he couldn't breathe, and he felt it surrounding him, until it was gone, and so was the bar. He know stood in a destroyed building, a few pro heroes in front of him, and beside him was... he couldn't describe the feeling he gave off, but Izuku knew one misstep and he was dead. It was most likely the "master" that Shigaraki spoke of, and Izuku could see why Shigaraki idolised him. This feeling was like what he had felt fighting All Might with Bakugo, but 10x worse.

It was like a pressure pushing down on him. The man turned to him and asked him a question he'd never have believed. "Do you want a quirk?" Izuku couldn't understand what he was being asked. "T-that's impossible." Was all he could stammer out. "Don't worry about that, do you want one or not?" He thought about how much easier life would've been with one, less bullying, less trauma and pain. He practically forgot who he was talking to, and where he was. Once he thought about it, how much harder it had been for him, he came to a decision. "No, I've gone through life without one, I don't need one now."

That was clearly the wrong answer, as the almost quizzical tone from the man before turned neutral, with an underlying threat. "Oh well, guess I'll just force it on you then." Izuku took half a second to process that, and then turned and ran. Whatever this man had become, he didn't want any "gift" he was offered by the man, he scolded himself for even considering it.

He was definitely not fast enough.

He felt a hand in his head, forceful enough to keep him there, but not too hard that it was extremely painful.

Suddenly something burst into him. It felt like he was burning and exploding, over and over again. He must've screamed, but he didn't even notice, the consuming energy and pain taking over. As suddenly has it had started, it stopped, leaving something behind. Izuku felt his throat practically torn up, so he must have been screaming that whole time.

After what felt like an eternity, but must've only been like 30 seconds, All Might landed, staring down the villain, before he must've seen Izuku.

He reached towards All Might, but what just happened had overwhelmed his body, it just took a little while to realise it. He fell, vision turning black as he did.

His only thought 'I didn't want this. I didn't want this. I didn't-'

And then he thought no more.
All Might could only watch as the boy fell, having heard his screams as he jumped over. He took a step, but suddenly All for One had the boy in his arms. "I wonder if he likes my gift, I guess we'll all have to wait until he wakes up to see. At least my theory was right, the quirkless don't become Nomu's when you put a quirk in them. For that, I thank you Izuku Midoriya. You've been very useful."

With that, the villain tossed the boy at him, confusing the hero. "Didn't you pay attention? I've got what I needed from him. He's much more useful back with you heroes, so you can see what your failure did to him." The villain let loose a slight chuckle. All Might passed the boy to another hero, who quickly left the scene.

Then something that neither he nor the great villain were expecting occurred. A scarf seemed to wrap itself around All for One's arm, and when he tried to free himself with his quirks, it seemed they didn't work as intended. He stared curiously at his untransformed arm, until a knee landed right into what was left of his face.

The attacked jumped back, beside All Might, letting the man take in who they were.

He saw floating hair, glowing red eyes, yellow goggles and a floating black scarf.

Eraserhead had never looked so terrifying.

"You are going to pay for whatever you did to that boy!"

A/N angry dadzawa! Anyway, hope you enjoyed, and sorry for the all the angst, it'll get better soon, probably. ;) have a great day!

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