How to win a sports festival (for dummies)

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A/N first of all, why have so many people read this?!? Second of all, I enjoy the chapter :)

Aizawa was tense, angry and bored, all rolled into one. He was stuck in a meeting with the other members of U.A, discussing the events of the USJ, and being a key member of the conflict, he had to be there.

That's why he had to sit through the most annoying  meeting he'd ever been in. Not only did he have to revisit a recent traumatic experience, not that anyone but Hizashi and maybe Izuku could see how much it was affecting him, he also learnt very new information on the ones who perpetrated it, only learning their name, the league of villains, and that the nomu thing wasn't technically human, but if quirks hadn't gotten so extreme in recent generations, he would have called that last one obvious.

After 2 hours, he was free. Aizawa headed straight for the couch in the teachers lounge, planning on a morning nap. However, Recovery Girl had other plans. "No! Your body needs proper rests to heal. If it was my choice you wouldn't even be here!" Aizawa was about to protest, but even years after leaving U.A as a student, he still feared the nurse, instead giving a somewhat affirmative grunt and sitting up.

He eyed the coffee machine in the kitchen area, but Recovery Girl sent him a glare. She sighed, then said "Fine, but only one cup. You need proper rest. You can't teach anyone if you aren't able to move." He understood, and said as much "I know what you mean. I'll try and take it easy for a few days."

They both knew that was a lie.
Shinso really couldn't help but laugh as his friend muttered out threats against his supposed out of school teacher. And he knew that Izuku had viable plans to execute at least a few of them.

Needless to say, if Aizawa didn't rest he'd be in a lot of trouble.

They had decided to train together as practice for the Sports Festival, Izuku stating that quirks were allowed. When Shinso reminded him that would technically be breaking the law, as they weren't allowed to use U.A's hero course training facilities and had to settle for a park, but Izuku pointed out that Shinso would only be using it on him, and it wasn't like anyone would really notice that a quirk was being used.
Izuku was surprised by the feeling of being under Shinso's quirk, if he was being honest.

He'd expected it to be forceful in some way, like he was forcing his way into Izuku's mind. Instead, it was like a warm blanket was held over him, and he just watched as Shinso ordered him to walk out of bounds. He tried to struggle, at least slightly, but he wasn't able to break free, only regaining control when Shinso lifted it. Izuku noticed that his friend was out of breath, and he mentally noted that the quirk put a relatively large strain on the user, that would be useful for later.

They both knew they'd be at a disadvantage to the hero course students, so they trained as much as they could, alone, together and with Aizawa. They weren't going to let themselves be beaten so easily, and Aizawa seemed very happy to let them bring some of his more egotistical students down a peg.

Izuku decided that, at the very least, this Sports Festival was going to be fun. He just hoped he'd have the chance to give Kacchan a good right hook for old times sake.

A/N sports festival next, so it will be longer. Updates are going to start slowing, but I'll do as much as I can. Thank you for your patience.

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