A fight for your life

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Izuku watched, his eyes widening slightly in fear, as the figure at the end of the path readied a punch. He dived behind the nearest cover, a van, as the shockwave blasted past them. If his punches were that powerful from this far away....

Izuku really did not want to get punched.

He looked around for Bakugo, but couldn't see the blonde haired boy. He looked to the main road to try and look out for All Might, but instead his partner walking straight down it. It seemed Bakugo wasn't going to follow the plan.

Izuku sighed, before running to catch up. "You can't beat him." Bakugo growled slightly. "You don't know that nerd." Izuku almost screamed in frustration. "You definitely can't beat him alone, at least let us work together."

"Fine nerd, but I'm taking the main offensive." Izuku almost snorted. "Like I could actually hurt All Might."
Izuku crouched in an alleyway. Just across from him stood Bakugo in another alleyway. He heard All Might approaching, and could see Bakugo had noticed as well. He took a breath.

He jumped out of his alley, shouting towards the hero "Hey All Might! I'm a big fan! Can I have your autograph?" The man stood at him, clearly not expecting this sort of attack.

While he was distracted, Bakugo flew out of his alleyway, heading straight towards the hero, who quickly turned around, recovered from his shock and clearly expecting the surprise attack.

But instead, Bakugo just blasted himself upwards.

That's when All Might noticed that Bakugo only had one gauntlet on, and that Izuku had been trying to hid one arm behind his back.

Izuku heard something he'd never thought he'd hear from the hero. "Shit."
All Might coughed slightly, he'd turned to try and protect himself from the blast but hadn't been fast enough, only turning enough to let the blast hit his injury. He looked down at his hand, seeing a bit off blood. He needed to finish it quickly.

As the smoke cleared, he looked around for the 2 students, but they were nowhere to be seen. It seemed like they weren't going to make it easy for him. He let his grin spread on his face again, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
Izuku and Bakugo ran through the network of alleys, both gauntlets now back on the blondes wrists. Bakugo had wanted to use his own gauntlet but Izuku had argued they'd need it for defence if All Might caught up with them again.

Izuku reached the end of their alley, taking a peak at the exit gate. He knew the hero would be back up soon. Just as he thought it, the hero came leaping by. Izuku ducked back down, turning to his teammate. He could see Bakugo wanted to run out and fight, but he was proud that he'd been controlling himself. He really had improved in these months, and Izuku could see that.

He gave a nod. Bakugo had relented and decided that knocking All Might down long enough for them both to escape was enough, at least for the end of the first term. They both walked out, Bakugo once again giving Izuku a gauntlet, now charged with his sweat once again. All Might stared them down, that grin still as scary as it had been at the start of this battle. Even in a head on battle, they needed to be tricky.

Bakugo blasted himself forward, Izuku running beneath him. Bakugo shot forward blasting All Might in the face and pushing himself over the pro hero at the same time, but it didn't really face the pro hero, who sent a punch Bakugo's way, which was barely dodged. The power of it still sent Bakugo sprawling, but the attack left All Might open, letting Izuku run in close.

All Might was very surprised to find the green haired boy grinning up at him from right in front of him. He sent another punch, this time at the quirkless boy, but he simply slid under All Might's now open legs, before standing up and delivering his strongest kick to the hero's nuts.

When the hero merely turned round, apparently having barely felt the attack, Izuku simply shrugged. "It was worth a shot." With that, he leapt away, predicting the hero's attack, which he felt behind him, the pressure increasing his speed. This all happened in only a few seconds.

Bakugo blasted himself back in, shouting "Close your eyes nerd!" He released his stun grenade, blinding the hero for a moment. Bakugo used the opening to continuously blast All Might, and Izuku made a run for the exit.

All Might released a punch, succeeding in pushing Bakugo away from him, and then leaping towards the sound of running footsteps. His eyes cleared just as he was about to land, only to come face to face with a gauntlet. Izuku simply said "Boom bitch" releasing the pin of the gauntlet.

The explosion blasted All Might back, although two blasts from the gauntlet was too much for Izuku's arm and it now hung at his side, practically useless. While All Might stumbled back, Izuku lept at him, mostly as a distraction for Bakugo, and aimed a kick at All Might's side. To his surprise, it seemed to actually cause some damage. All Might stumbled back further, a slight bit of blood coughing out.

That didn't make sense to Izuku, if a kick to the most sensitive area did nothing then a less powerful kick to the side should've been less than nothing. He didn't have much time to think, but later on he'd realise that it must some kind of permanent injury or weakness. It was the only thing that made sense.

Izuku leapt back, creating space between him and the pro, just as Bakugo leapt behind All Might, releasing his gauntlet, which would be slightly more powerful that Izuku's was due to the nature of Bakugo's quirk.

It knocked All Might even further back, and both he and Bakugo made a run for the gate, Bakugo grabbing Izuku at some point and blasting them both forward. At the last second he heard something rushing towards them, but turned just enough to see All Might leaping at them. At the last second Bakugo blasted them up, and Izuku kicked All Might in the back of the head, both boosting them forward and knocking All Might down.

It was just enough to push them over the line, and they sprawled to the floor, looking quite undignified.

Izuku didn't care, they'd just beaten All Might, freaking All Might! He turned onto his back and shouted into the air. "WE WON!"

"Yeah we did, you damn nerd." Bakugo simply replied, still face down.

A/N so, very actiony chapter. I hope it was more enjoyable. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I hope you have a good day!

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