The Reckoning

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All Izuku felt was pain. His arm and leg sent white hot flashes of it every tiny movement.

Another massive wave hit him as he felt himself being picked up by his collar and moved. Every step the person who carried him took made him scream louder. He didn't know who it was, until he felt himself begin to fall.

Only one person would be so careless with a person who had just broken his leg and arm. He hit the ground, on his broken legs. It brought his screams to new height, until the pain overwhelmed him and he was blessed with the tranquility of unconsciousness.
Everyone in the stadium was shocked at what was happening in front of him. The only sound Izuku's screams. Bakugo lent down towards the boy, pulling him up, causing him to scream louder. He then unceremoniously dumped Izuku onto the floor, Shinso only able to lock on in horror as Izuku screamed ever louder, until there was silence. That hit Shinso the hardest, to know his friend had felt such pain he had been forced into unconsciousness.

He watched as Bakugo sauntered out of the arena. His face was fit with a sadistic grin, and Shinso had never felt such a pull too cause immense pain to someone before. Unfortunately, Bakugo hadn't technically broken the rules, so he wouldn't be disqualified, and with his great quirk, he'd probably be reprimanded at most.

Of course, Shinso could not have known the sway Aizawa held within the school.

Bakugo was in for a rude awakening.

Tentatively, Present Mic, who was know alone in the announcer's box, pressed the button and said "B-Bakugo wins.."

No one cheered.
Perfect, now the nerd will never try again. He considered it a job well done, although the win was still the main thing he achieved. Bakugo sauntered his way into the preparation room, passing through and to the exit door.

He opened it, coming face to chest with his home room teacher. Of course, Bakugo didn't know about Aizawa and Izuku's relationship, so he assumed he was simply here to congratulate him on his win.

He looked up into the man's eyes, and saw something he did not expect. Pure anger. He had never seen his teacher show such emotion, especially not aimed at him. He felt the urge to step back, but he was still Katsuki Bakugo, so he stood his ground and said "What?!"

He saw the anger grow within the eyes in front of him, and did step back this time. He reminded himself that the man stood before him was a pro hero who he had seen take on a hoard of villains.

Aizawa said "Do you even think you've done wrong?" Bakugo was shocked again. Wrong? He'd won! What else should he have done?! He was feeling a lot of things he wasn't use to, mostly confusion.

He cracked, and asked "Ok, what did I do wrong?"

Aizawa's gaze softened, only very slightly. "You're lucky it's simple ignorance and arrogance. If it couldn't be fixed, you'd never come to this school again." Bakugo's eyes widened at that, and his mouth hung open in shock.

Aizawa turned away, beckoning for Bakugo to follow him. "Come on, you, me and Nezu are going to have a chat about all the mistakes you've made so far this year. See if we can't knock that ego down a peg or 2."

Bakugo gulped. He wasn't going to like this.
Shinso stared down at the broken body of his friend. "-Hey are you even listening to me young man!" Recovery Girl poked him with her stick, bringing back his attention. "Uh yes ma'am." She huffed, before returning to her speech. "I was saying that your friend is going to need to be careful on those limbs. I can't heal them fully due to the lack of energy he has left. I spent a lot of it healing those burnt hands of his." Shinso nodded along mutely. He understood what she meant, but he didn't think the physical injuries were the worst part.
Izuku hadn't looked himself while he was out there fighting Bakugo, appearing more like a scared child trying to defend himself.

He hadn't realised how bad the bullying against Izuku had gotten, but if it was enough to reduce him to what was on the battlefield, then it must have been very severe, and happening for a very long time. He hoped, one day, he'd be able to help Izuku get over it. For now, he just needed to keep him away from anything that would set him off again, mainly Bakugo.

He wondered how easy it would be to get the blonde haired boy with his quirk. With the way he run his mouth it didn't seem like it would be too hard. Bakugo was lucky Shinso could only make people do simple things with his quirk, otherwise the explosive blonde would have never lived down what Shinso had in store for him.
Izuku awoke to an aching pain in one of his arms and one of his legs. He sat up, causing shooting pains from said limbs. He saw Shinso looking at him, and expression he couldn't exactly read on his face.
Then he remembered, and the tears started to fall. Not only had he lost in front of a massive crowd and, more importantly, his mentor, it hadn't even been a fight. He'd just let Bakugo pummel him for a few minutes before literally breaking his body and leaving.

Izuku had never felt so ashamed. Maybe he should just go home and forget this whole thing. Knowing his mother, she'd have Katsudon waiting for him.
He really didn't deserve her.

He slid off the bed, Shinso reaching towards him but he ignored him, walking past his outstretched arm.

He needed to be alone now.

A/N so, shorter this time. I hope you enjoyed. I think next time will be the end of this little part, and onto the next part of the story. Let me know any other fixes. Thank you and have a good day!

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