Facing the demon

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Shinso was deemed well enough to leave the infirmary, Recovery Girls quirk working wonders. Izuku left with him, Recovery Girl also healing him up.

Shinso could tell Izuku was nervous. For one, he wasn't responding much, seemingly stuck in his own head. He could hear a slightly mumbling coming from his friend, too quiet for him to make it.

He put his hand in front of Izuku, trying to shake him out of his thoughts. Izuku stumbled back slightly then looked up, showing his emotions in his eyes.

Shinso was not expecting to see terror, but it was clear as day. Izuku was more scared than Shinso had ever seen him, more scared than he'd been when he'd heard the news of Aizawa's condition.

Almost instantly, the fear disappeared, replaced with a facade of calm. It wasn't a very good one, Izuku seemed to keep realising he was mumbling and forcefully stop himself.

Shinso didn't know what to do.
Izuku was scared. No, he was terrified. Even with this hectic year, he'd always had someone else to depend on. He could trust Aizawa to look after himself, so when he heard he was hurt, he could still remind himself of Aizawa's strength. It was the same for Shinso. He knew he'd pull through after Todoroki hurt him, so he didn't worry too much.

Now, all he had to depend on was himself, and he didn't trust himself at all.

He was just a quirkless loser, a weak Deku, a waste of space. Dammit, he was letting Bakugo's words wrap around once again. He felt like he'd already lost, and he hadn't even walked onto the battlefield yet.
Bakugo was confident, but he felt he had every right to be. His final opponent was Deku, for fucks sake. He didn't even know how someone so weak had made it this far, but he certainly wasn't going to lose.

If someone as weak as a quirkless Deku could beat him, then he could hardly call himself a hero. Deku wouldn't last a second in a real fight, so Bakugo thought it would be a mercy to make sure he never made it onto the battlefield known as the hero life. He'd just have to crush him in both body and spirit.

It shouldn't be too hard, he thought. It was only Deku after all. He knew how to get to that nerd.
Izuku could see it in Bakugo's eyes. He wanted to destroy him, to prove he never had a chance. He wanted to break Izuku, permanently. Unfortunately, he was the only one in the Sports festival who would be able to do so, and he was also the only one who would want to.

Izuku might have laughed at the terrible situation if he wasn't currently living in it. He just needed to focus. If he ignored Bakugo he may be able to make the fight last longer, or even force Bakugo to just push him out. Anything was preferable to the utter resentment he felt from his opponent. He just needed to make it out of here alive.

He was so lost in his thoughts he barely noticed as Midnight called the start of the match, Bakugo shooting towards him. He hastily dodged, but he was now off balance, and Kacchan wouldn't let up. He kept rushing towards him, not giving him time to readjust. He couldn't even counter attack.

He was starting to panic, and not just because of the match. All the memories of the over 10 years of bullying he endured from the Blonde boy was surfacing, as much as he ignored every endeared shout from his opponent. Every scream of "worthless Deku" and "quirkless loser" was another chip at Izuku's confidence.

He thought he'd got over it, but some things never change.
Shinso could clearly see something was wrong. As could Aizawa. His student wasn't fighting, he was just doing as much as he could to survive. Shinso could see the expression on Izuku's face, and it was one of pure fear. The explosive boy in front of him scared him to death, but he still went out to fight. Aizawa could see his student constantly dodging, and both he and Shinso winced as Bakugo landed and explosive powered fist in the green haired boys stomach, making him stumble back.

Bakugo pounced on this showing of weakness, launching a flurry of blows that all connected, knocking Izuku back even further.

However, Shinso could see Bakugo wasn't going for a ring out, and that's when he truly began to fear for his friends safety.

Aizawa was confused by his heroics student's actions, but realisation dawned on his face. Bakugo wasn't aiming to just win, he wanted to make sure Izuku would never challenge him again.

He would later regret not calling for the end of the match there, even if he probably wouldn't have been able to anyway.
Izuku saw Bakugo ramp up his explosions in his hands, remembering he time the boy had badly burnt his back by exploding it. He felt that pain, as well as the pain of said fist landing in his gut.

He remembered the time Kacchan left him bleeding on the floor, as the blonde rammed his fist into his nose, causing some blood to spray out.

Every hit brought back a new memory, many of which he had tried so hard to bury. Ever punch hurt twice as much, as with it came the mental pain of the practical torture Bakugo had put him through.

Izuku couldn't hear what Bakugo said through the ringing in his ears, but he still knew. He knew every insult, every taunt and nickname. He'd been called them so many times.

For a moment, Izuku's mind cleared as he noticed Bakugo had grabbed his arm with his own, and was putting pressure on one of his legs with his own too.

He was confused, then he realised. "If you bend it with enough force.." he mumbled out.

Bakugo grinned down at him, finishing his thought for him. "It snaps!" Bakugo pulled, adding his explosions for extra power.

2 things snapped.

Izuku screamed.
Both Aizawa and Shinso watched nervously as Bakugo pummelled Izuku, making it clear the green haired boy had no answer to this onslaught, but he also wasn't going down. That was something to proud of, right?

The action stopped, as Bakugo grabbed Izuku with both his arms and legs. Both Shinso and Aizawa were confused, Shinso noticing Izuku mumble something and Bakugo's grin spread wider. Aizawa seemed to recognise the position, and this time did make a reach for the announcer's button sat in front of his husband, much to said pro hero's surprise.

They both heard Bakugo shout "It snaps!", stopping Aizawa in his tracks and bringing realisation to Shinso.

They both screamed "No!" But weren't heard over the sound of snapping bones. And then the most painful scream Shinso had ever witnessed, and the most heartbreaking scream Aizawa had ever had the displeasure of hearing, silenced everything else.

The match was over, but nobody had won.

Aizawa would make sure of that.

A/N I'm sorry to leave this cliffhanger, but I hope it was enjoyable for what it was. Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a great day.

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