False start

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Today was the day. Izuku walked to U.A, first with Bakugo, and then Shinso as well when he joined them. They all loaded their stuff onto the bus provided, and sat down for quite a long ride. Bakugo sat in front of Izuku, with Kirishima next to him. Even after their win, and the talk they had, Bakugo and Izuku still weren't really friends.

They were getting there, but not yet.

Shinso waved the 1A class bus as it left, before making his way to his own classes bus. He hadn't really made friends in 1B yet, but he didn't dislike them either. Maybe this camp would be a good place to get to know them better, same for the members of 1A.
Izuku stared out the window, somewhat bored. He'd long since tuned out the rabble from his classmates, instead trying to think of ways to make his training more effective, maybe he could tell Aizawa his idea when they got wherever they were going.

If Izuku was honest, he didn't like that he didn't know where they were actually going, or who they were meeting. He understood why they needed secrecy, but that didn't make it any less anxiety inducing. Izuku liked to prepare, and that included knowing his locations well enough to hide or escape. He knew the whole reason he was anxious probably meant that he didn't need to be, as if even he, someone going on the camp, didn't know where it was, no villains should either.

This knowledge only did so much to calm Izuku's nerves. He'd just have to take it out on something later, preferably a tree.
Izuku brought his attention back to the world as the bus pulled up on the edge of the road. As he got off the bus, as Aizawa had instructed, he noticed the Pussycats, a small boy and that they were now on the edge of a sort of cliff. He also saw that they weren't exactly near enough the lodge to unload their stuff, far from it, and were probably close enough that a "toilet break" as Aizawa had called them off to take, probably wasn't necessary either.

Another logical ruse, Izuku thought to himself. He walked over to Aizawa and simply stood beside him. "You are so lucky I actually like a workout." Aizawa simply smirked at that.

"You do owe me though, I could've told everyone else." Izuku gave a mock glare at his teacher, before walking back over to his classmates. Quietly, as not to attract the attention of his other students, Aizawa called after Izuku, "Good luck."

Izuku lazily waved behind him. "I don't need luck."
Izuku gracefully slid down the hill as Pixie-Bob manipulated it with her quirk. The rest of the class weren't so graceful, having tried to get back onto the bus when they figured out what was going.

Izuku did notice that the pro hero was specifically focusing on getting them down safely, using her quirk to break an large debris in the path of the falling students. He appreciated that. He made a small hop onto the sold ground, now surrounded by his groaning classmates. "Get up, we have to be quick. Also, I don't think our only problem will be getting there."

A few of his classmates looked up at him, then followed his gaze into the woods as a few lumbering beasts appeared. Izuku saw his animal speaking classmate preparing to talk them down, and put his hand up. "They aren't actual animals, just mud and rock creatures from Pixie-Bob's quirk. Unfortunately, your best use is to ask animals around for the best route." Koda seemed to hesitate, then shook his head, calling out to some birds high above them.

With that settled the class moved into woods. Izuku loosened his tie. These weren't real animals.

He knew exactly how to relieve his nerves now.
"Ok, maybe punching mud wasn't my best idea..."

Class 1A all stumbled into the clearing, Izuku, Bakugo, Todoroki and Iida in the lead. Izuku's fists were red, bleeding slightly. Without a weapon, he'd resorted to just punching the creatures apart, and they weren't made poorly at all.

The rest of the class didn't fair much better. Everyone was tired, a few people had tripped and cut themselves or twisted their ankles. All in all, they were exhausted, in pain and very hungry.

Izuku approached a boy standing next to the pros, extending his hand for a handshake. "Hi, I'm Izuku." Instead of taking his hand, he saw the small boy tearing up for a kick, and quickly backed off. "Ok, obviously not the social type. That's fine, I'm not really either." Izuku found himself ignored.

Almost everyone's stomachs growled in unison, the smell of the meal that was about to be prepared catching their attentions.

Aizawa faced them. "Get your stuff in the rooms then a quick dinner. This is the only day it's going to be made for you, so make the most of it."

Before he'd finished, the supposedly tired students were running to unpack.

He just sighed, he really couldn't stand his students some times.
After a very filling meal, Izuku and his fellow classmates walked into the changing rooms for the hot springs on the camp. Izuku slowed slightly, he didn't really want to uncover himself in front of his classmates, and had forgot to bring the waterproof top he wore during their swimming contest. He waited until the rest of the boys had finished changing, the girls in their own separate changing room.

He removed his shirt, getting even more nervous as he looked at the burn and cut marks that littered his body.

Especially after his match with Kacchan at the sports festival, he'd been even more aware of the pain he'd been caused in the past.

He trembled slightly, some of the memories flooding into his mind. He calmed slightly, sighing.

He put his shirt back on, heading for the changing room door. He wasn't ready, at least not yet.

Bakugo watched as Izuku left the changing room, his heart feeling slightly heavier.

He had so much more to make up for than he had first realised.

A/N <.< >.>
I'm sorry for putting Izuku through this, but I love angst too much! I'll make it up to him later... probably.

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