The wait...

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A/N starting with Aizawa btw!

He could tell with one look that his problem child (he'd taken to calling him that as their training progressed) was anxious. He was practically jumping from foot to foot as he came over to their training point.

And he knew why too.

I'm a few days the U.A letters would be sent out, stating whether an examinee passed or failed. He already knew that Izuku had passed, but only into the Gerneral course. He knew his kid would be happy enough with that, they both knew he'd have a much better shot during the sports festival.

Although, If Aizawa was being honest, he would've thought Izuku would have got more points for the rescue of that girl. He knew that some members of the judges would be biased against those with weaker quirks, he'd seen it every year he'd been a part of the process, so he could only assume it would be even worse for Izuku. He was just glad that this sort of discrimination was not enough to stop his problem child, if any of the snippets he'd heard of the bullying Izuku endured were to be believed.

He lifted his capture weapon, hiding his smirk as he saw the kid turn to him, as if expecting some kind of comfort from the man. If it got too distracting he'd probably just say something to calm him down, he'd talked about it with Mic and they agree a little drop of information to harm his nerves wouldn't hurt anyone, but it probably wouldn't be necessary.

It seemed Izuku got the message by his continued silence, and returned back to training, pounding the punching back in an obvious attempt to use his nervousness for something useful.

Aizawa was glad he'd taught the kid more than fighting techniques, he'd become even more calculating in the months they'd been working together, and his analysis was also improving, although Aizawa thought it may have always been that good, and he was now trusted enough to have it shared with him, especially when Izuku brought a tattered old notebook with some pretty high level analysis on Aizawa himself. The notebook looked at least 5 years old, maybe more.

Either way, he knew Izuku could be an asset to the hero world with just his analysis alone, but that coupled with his slowly growing combat abilities, he felt pretty sure Izuku would be a formidable foe for any villain.

He let his pride for his student show for a second while said student was distracted with training, but quickly squashed it back down. The kid was good, but he had a ways to go before Aizawa thought he'd feel prepared enough for actual combat, hopefully by the end of the first year he'd have transferred to the hero course and gained enough experience to look after himself in the midst of a fight, but not yet.

He had to remind himself that, no matter his skill, the kid was just that, a kid. He just had to hope that any horrors he might face wouldn't deter him from his path, but if Aizawa knew him, and he was pretty sure he did, then he'd probably use it as fuel to get better, to help others.

The kid might be a great hero in the future, but that's only because he was a good person now. Heck, he even brought coffee for Aizawa every now and then, and Aizawa downed every drop.

Izuku was kind, and that would be the basis of his heroism. He'd need the abilities to back up that kindness, but it was his kindness and determination that kept him on as Aizawa's honorary student. He only trained those with potential, and that was the one thing Izuku would never run out of. That's how he knew the kid would make it to the hero course eventually, how he knew he'd make a great hero in the end. He just needed the kid to see it for himself.

He let a frown play on his lips as he remembered how selfless Izuku was, when he gave up his coat for a stray cat and had to train with a cold for a week (he wouldn't let Aizawa stop him), or even when he gave the hero his jacket when he foolishly didn't bring his own.

"You okay there sensei?" Izuku called over, bringing Aizawa's attention back. He saw slight concern in the kids eyes, and reigned the frown back in. "Yeah kid, I'm alright. It's about time we both head home." Izuku's eyes seem to light up at that, grabbing his stuff, shouting "Bye sensei!" before rushing him to spend time with his mother.

For now they'd be fine, of that Aizawa was sure. Now, how to convince Nezu to let him do the problem child's acceptance video...

A/N once again I enjoyed it. I thought the length is getting better, let me know if you dislike it. Back to Izuku next chapter and the arrival of the letter... what could possibly go wrong.

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