For old times sake

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A/N Bakugo POV! How exciting!

Bakugo was angry, but that wasn't anything unusual. What was unusual was why. Normally he got angry whenever someone question his abilities or when someone weak tried to talk to him.

This time, he was angry because he was afraid. He'd seen what real villains were like. He still thought he could beat them, but not as easily as he had believed only minutes before entering the USJ. He was also afraid for those who were weak, even though he'd never admit it. He didn't want someone who couldn't handle themselves like he could trying to fight villains like those.

So when he saw that Deku and Eye bags (Shinso) were planning to move to the hero course through the sports festival, he got even more aggressive towards them, but this time not of arrogance, at least not just arrogance, and instead well hid worry. If they couldn't even handle Bakugo, there is no way they'd be able to take down anything like the league of villains.

At least, that's how he justified it in his own head as he mocked the 2 boys.
It was funny, really. The old Izuku would have run from Bakugo when he got like this. He certainly wouldn't have stayed long enough to notice there was something different in how the abuse was being hurled. It was almost touching, if Kacchan hadn't been openly insulting Izuku and his friend for the last week or so.

Bakugo was worried, for him. Izuku guessed he was just going to have to show that Kacchan didn't have to worry about him and Shinso slowing him down, or getting hurt. And the Sports Festival seemed like the perfect place to do it.

He used those words, and trained even harder. He was going to show Kacchan that there was no need to fear, because Izuku had earned his place here.
Finally, it was time. After weeks of training, both Shinso and Izuku felt as prepared as they could ever be. Both stood at the starting line amongst the croud. Shinso snorted as he heard the green bean beside him grumble on about how egotistical Bakugo's speech was, and how much he was going to enjoy wiping that grin of his face. That determined glare that Izuku had made Shinso shiver, and he wasn't exactly sure why.

They both returned their full attention to the track ahead. First, they'd have to actually make it through the first round, and that would be easier said than done.

They were off...
Izuku raced past his fellow Gen Ed classmates, who apparently either hadn't taken or didn't remember the entrance exam's and were shocked by the sudden start. Izuku pitied them, but he didn't stop running.

He made it past Todoroki's ice attack, having predicted he'd try and get rid of the competition early on. He also slipped past the robots, who were much to slow to catch the nimble boy. He didn't look back, but he knew Shinso was taking a similar approach. He was his friend after all, Izuku trusted his friends. Maybe that didn't mean very much, when the only other person who he had considered a friend before was hurling explicit vocabulary at anyone around him, but he did trust Shinso.

Now came a massive drop, with thin wires to get over it. Here was were Izuku lost time, as he knew he would eventually, as he was forced to slowly climb over, lest he fall to an early doom.

Luckily, the next part, a minefield, was much more suited to Izuku's flexible form, and he was able to make up for lost time their, clawing back to 3th, easily making it to the second round, much to Kacchan's char-grin and the peppermint haired Shoto's indifference.

Izuku was elated, especially when he saw that Shinso had also made it through. He even felt good enough to shoot Bakugo a grin, to watch he merely growled and turned away. If he was honest, Izuku was expecting a punch.

His heart fell slightly at the reveal of the second round, a cavalier battle. He knew Shinso would go with him, but who else. And it turned out he didn't even have Shinso, who had made a team, presumable to control. Good for him, but it left Izuku alone.

It seemed fate had decided to pity him, as the girl he had saved during the entrance exam, Ochaco Uraraka, a support course student called Mei Hatsume, and another hero course student named Fumikage Tokoyami. He hoped he'd be able to get to know them more after the festival, but to form a plan he needed to ask about their quirks, and probably tell them about his predicament.

It turned out, none of his teammates where overly curious, and just let him ask about their quirks, after he'd explained his soon to be fully formed plan, and didn't pry about his own, or lack their off.

After thinking it through, Izuku thought he had a good enough plan. They couldn't go after Shoto's first headband, or Kacchan's second. They had to just protect their points, maybe snatching a few headbands in the chaos that Bakugo was sure to cause by going after the number one headband.

Just as he had predicted, Bakugo immediately shot towards Todoroki's team, letting Izuku and a class
1-B student, Neito Monoma's team, clean up the surrounding teams, Izuku with Hatsume's backpack and shoes. This shot him up to second, ahead of Bakugo's team.

Izuku felt the moment Bakugo realised this, and practically screeched into the air before shooting toward his team. He wasn't going to down that easy, and signalled Hatsume to use the Jetpack again, shooting away from Bakugo and his team. It seemed it was time for defence.
After a couple more minutes, the round was over. Izuku's team came third, Bakugo's team having collected a few other headbands on their hunt for Izuku.

Izuku was happy, overjoyed even. Both he and Shinso's team made it through, as did both Bakugo and Todoroki's.

Much to his dismay, and slight anger, the other members of Shinso's team, except Aoyama, gave up there places. They said they had no recollection of the cavalry battle, which just showed Izuku how well Shinso knew his quirk.

In the end, they were replaced with Shiozaki and Tetsutetsu from the 5th placed team.

There was a short break, with some games that neither Shinso or Izuku participated in, going for a bit of food instead.

After an hour, it was finally time to announce the matches. They both just hoped they didn't get each other in the first round, that was the worst case scenario.

The matches popped up in the screen.
First round:
Mei Hatsume vs Hitoshi Shinso
Shoto Todoroki vs Hanta Sero
Denki Kaminari vs Ibara Shiozaki
Tenya Iida vs Izuku Midoriya
Yugo Aoyama vs Mina Ashido
Fumikage Tokoyami vs Momo Yaoyorozu
Ejiro Kirishima vs Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Katsuki Bakugo vs Ochaco Uraraka

Both Shinso and Izuku breathed a sigh of relief. They wouldn't be fighting for a little while, even if they made it all the way through.

It was about to go down. But first, Izuku had something to say.
"Hey Kacchan!," Bakugo growled in his direction, but he continued. "It's ok, if we do fight, I'll give you a few hits, for old times sake!" With that, Izuku winked, turning away from the surprised blonde and walking over to Shinso, who was cackling so much he was finding it hard to breath.

Izuku feared slightly for both him and his friend's life as a scream erupted from Bakugo outside, only causing Shinso to laugh even more.

A/N wow over a 100 reads on the first part. That's insane! As such, I speed wrote this chapter (making it much more likely I missed some mistakes) anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and thank you! Next chapter, it really goes down, or at least I plan it to. I haven't actually written it yet!

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