It all comes crashing down

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Izuku came to school on the fifth day feeling pretty good. He'd been bonding with Shinso over the last few days and was really starting to like the guy. He'd tried to convince him to get more sleep, as he had a constant tired look on his face, but Shinso explained that no matter how much sleep he got, he always looked the same. He also said he had Insomnia to some degree, so Izuku felt a little bad about bringing it up.

After a frankly boring first lesson of Mathematics, with him helping Shinso with a few of the harder questions, it was time for English with Present Mic, who for some reason kept sending Izuku glances with a cheeky grin on his face. Izuku couldn't for the life of him figure out why, but it wasn't too distracting and he managed to get the basics of 'hello' and 'goodbye' down, so he was feeling pretty proud of himself.

Finally, it was lunch. He walked into the cafeteria, Shinso at his side as they discussed which hero they thought was best, Shinso advocating for the normal All Might, and Izuku going for the unusual, at least it would be to Shinso, choice of Eraserhead. Izuku gigled slightly when Shinso said "You just made him up, I've never heard of a hero named that before." Then Izuku pointed out that he worked at the very school they were in now, and then said "him being unknown is one of his strengths. He's an underground hero, the element of surprise is one of his biggest assets." At that, Shinso seemed to fall into some deep thoughts, and so the conversation came to the end.

As they were walking back to a table near the back end, Izuku overheard class 1A discussing a field trip to the USJ, whatever that was. He was just happy that Kacchan was so invested in boasting to his classmates about how good he was he didn't notice of them walking by. It was the small mercies in life you have to be thankful for.

After they both had a modest lunch of a small sandwich and a cup of water, Shinso because that's all he felt like eating, and Izuku because he really didn't have enough money for any more than that, they headed back to their classroom for afternoon registration, then onto their last lesson of the day, History.

In this lesson they were going to be talking about a time before quirks, which Izuku was very interested in. Any History classes in his past schools always started at the first appearance of quirks, and how they came to be, but now they were talking about a time before that. How did people survive without quirks, it seemed crazy for a world where quirks meant everything. Were quirks actually good for their society, were they better of now than they had been before? Or had they damaged society? Izuku was hooked to every word, and so he jumped at the sound of the speakers blaring to life, saying "all teachers report to the USJ, I repeat all teachers to the USJ." Izuku felt his stomach fall slightly. 'Had something gone wrong at the USJ?' He just hoped Aizawa and Kacchan were alright. He turned to Shinso, seeing his usual bored expression on his face, but a hint of fear and worry in his eyes.

The speakers turned on again, this time addressing the students. "Students should return home immediately, or if you are unable, please head to the principles office to wait for transportation home." With that, all the students except Izuku and Shinso stood up and left. He couldn't leave now, he had to know what happened. Maybe if he asked really nicely the principle would let him stay until he knew what happened, or tell him if he already did know. Either way, Izuku needed to know, to believe that everyone was safe. Maybe it was a false alarm.

He couldn't stand the thought of losing one of the only people who cared about him.

Both he and Shinso walked to the principles office, to see him pacing back and forth. They knocked on his open door, causing his head to swivel round to see them. "Ah yes, do come in boys. Problems getting home?" He said, none of anxiety being betrayed in his downright chipper tone. Izuku found it slightly unnerving. "No sir." Shinso said for them both. "So you want to know what happened?" They both nodded their heads uneasily. "Unfortunately I'm unable to do so," Izuku's head fell even further at that. "However, if you two head home, I'm sure you can both go see Aizawa in the hospital soon." Obviously that did nothing to help calm Izuku down, and he realised the principle was telling him what happened, while also not. He was using a loophole. Izuku was both grateful and heart broken. "Thank you sir..." he said, before turning to leave, Shinso behind him. He barely made it to the front gate before he broke down. Shinso was by his side, trying to comfort him, but it wouldn't be enough. His mentor, his teacher, his new father figure, was hurt and maybe even seriously, and there was nothing Izuku could do to change that. The man who he cared for, and who had come to care for him, might've died, and Izuku wasn't strong enough to do anything about it. Izuku felt his whole world come crashing down.

He really was a quirkless failure.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, he'd accidentally said that last bit just loud enough for Shinso to hear, and he wasn't going to put up with anyone treating his friend like that, not even if it was his friend who was doing it.
Aizawa opened his eyes, blearily scanning his surroundings. He saw the blonde cockatoo he called his husband sleeping in a chair next to him. He calmed slightly at the sight, before questioning why he was in the hospital at all. Then he remembered, and it felt like everything came crashing down. He'd failed, he'd let himself be beaten by a group of ragtag villains, and his students had been put into sever danger because he wasn't good enough.

He really was a failure.

In his slight delirium he didn't notice he'd murmured that part out loud, and the actually not so asleep pro hero beside him wasn't going to allow anyone to say that about his husband, not even the man himself.

A/N so, tried to make the ending a bit more wholesome. Next chapter will be about Izuku coming to visit and all that entails, so definitely a lighter chapter. Have a good day wherever you are!

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