Until they're punched in the face

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All for One simply looked at the man with curiosity, seeming very unaffected by the threat. "And how exactly are you going t-"

He only got that far, his words being cut off by a punch from Aizawa, before he leaped away again. "I'll erase as many quirks as I can, you go finish him off." All Might simply nodded, somewhat afraid of his underground coworker.

Although the villain had no eyes, Aizawa knew that he was starting to irritate the man. Good. That would make him sloppy.

He jumped back more, just as the Villain was surrounded by a crackling energy. He saw a blur rushing towards him only to be intercepted by All Might. He activated his quirk, watching the villain deflate slightly.

This allowed All Might to overpower him, pushing the man back. When he spoke next, there was slight anger in his voice. "You know, they used to kill those like you, who could take away quirks. They didn't want their gifts taken away." If that was meant to be a threat, Aizawa thought it a pretty pitiful one. What did the past matter? Maybe he was trying to shock Aizawa with his knowledge of the past by showing that he lived during that time, but Aizawa didn't care about that either. None of that mattered for the fight before him, he would not let himself be taunted.

He leapt back further, always keeping the villain in sight. All Might kept up his attacks, never relenting, well almost never. Aizawa noticed the hero appeared to be smoking, but he couldn't let it distract him for long, returning his full attention back to the fight.

It followed a very similar formula. The 2 powerhouses would clash, the villain aiming for Aizawa, and then he would erase some of his quirks, allowing All Might to get a good hit in, and they'd break apart. He could see that the villain was getting more and more frustrated with each clash.

When All Might lept back to his side, Aizawa noticed how much the hero was actually smoking, and suddenly he appeared to deflate. Aizawa stood, shocked at the person who stood before him, someone who could barely hold their own body weight. That couldn't be All Might, could it?

He didn't have long to ponder, as a hand wrapped around his mouth. He barely reacted in time to erase the man's quirks, or a few of them at least. He felt something inside of him, searching. It found something, and pulled, but it seemed weak, and Aizawa was able to resist it long enough for All Might to knock the villain off him. He took a deep breath as he heard the villain growl. "Your ability is very annoying, maybe I'll just kill you, not like I'll even be able to use it!"

He leapt at him once more, and the frail body of All Might got in his path, his arms bulking up again. Aizawa felt the finality in this fight. One way or another, this would be it.

He retreated as much as he could, shielding himself from the shockwaves. He saw All Might being pushed back, his arm deflating. He tried to strengthen his glare, anything to help.

All Might managed to detach himself for a second, then jumped back in. His arm still wasn't strong enough, being matched with the villains arm, until Aizawa reactivated erasure, and he managed to knock the villain off balance. He saw the villain growl something at the hero, and All Might responded by shouting "That's because I didn't give it my all! United States of Smash!" He landed a massive hit on the villain, breaking his mask and smashing him into the ground.

He stood there almost swaying, before he planted his foot and raised his fist. They had beaten the villain.

Aizawa would have to wait until Izuku woke up to see if they had truly won.
The police arrived to take away the unconscious villain, and an ambulance arrived to look after the unconscious form of Ragdoll who the league had also captured. She seemed so fragile, and Aizawa was under no doubt that the league had done something to here, something irreversible.

He looked around the destroyed battlefield, the rescue heroes having arrived to try and save any survivors. It was a bittersweet victory, they'd taken down one of the most powerful, if not the most, powerful villains in the world, but it cost them the symbol of peace, the thing that kept their society afloat.

He dreaded to think what they'd do know, especially with Endeavor as their new leader. He has big shoes to fill, and even though he'd spent the last few years trying to reach the unreachable might of All Might, Aizawa was pretty sure even Endeavor himself hadn't thought he'd make it, and so wouldn't be prepared to take the role of number 1.

He was going to have to make sure the next generation would be able to handle the weight of the world, even if it made them hate him for the rest of their lives, at least they'd still be alive.

He shook his head, he could think about that later, when he wasn't surrounded by screaming and destruction.  Maybe he could even ask Nezu or Hizashi.

Hizashi, he really needed his husbands embrace after today. With that, he may even be able to go check on Izuku. He wasn't sure he was prepared to face the mess he'd made, even if Izuku certainly wouldn't blame him for it.

It didn't help that everything around him was a reminder of Oboro's death. The scenes were eerily similar, except this time there was no excuse for his failure. He was no longer a second year who had just got his license, he was a pro hero who had been on this job for a long time, and yet, he still let another person he cared about almost die.

He really needed to go home.

A/N I replaced Gran Torino with Aizawa because 1. He wasn't in this story before, Izuku not interning with him, and 2. Aizawa would be much more invested in being on the mission this time. Sorry for any confusion, and I hope you enjoyed. Have a great day!

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