The clash

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A/N completely didn't notice that i said Bakugo and Izuku would be fighting in the second round, when of course they wouldn't, and not until the final if they made it all the way through.

Shinso was not ready. He was pretty sure he would never be, but he had to at least try. He knew Todoroki would try to end it instantly, so he have to try and stall, catch Todoroki unaware somehow. His knowledge of his quirk that Ojiro gave to Todoroki would make it especially hard.

He was glad Izuku had told him that Todoroki knew about his quirk, otherwise he would have been totally screwed. Now, he was just mostly screwed.

He could live with that.
Izuku was worried for his friend, and he didn't mind admitting that. Todoroki would be almost impossible to beat without an offensive quirk, but Shinso still had a much better chance than he would. If he could just make Todoroki respond, then he could win. He just had to pray, while analysing Todoroki of course. Even if Shinso did beat him, it wouldn't be a waste to get a handle on his abilities, especially if he wanted to switch to the hero course.

Although, he still had to plan his match against Shiozaki, and that wouldn't easy, not by any stretch of the imagination.
Shinso walked out, his face betraying none of the anxiety he felt. He met the eyes of his similarly blank opponent.

He felt his heart pounding in his ears. He hadn't very little chance of winning, and a very high chance of getting badly injured.

He heard Midnight shout "Start!" and opened his mouth in hopes of catching Todoroki right away, but all he saw was a mass of ice rocketing towards him. It seemed like Todoroki wasn't even going to wait for an attack like he had with Sero, instead attacking first.

Shinso tried to dodge, which he didn't think Todoroki saw coming, one because he definitely couldn't see anything over the massive glacier he had produced, and two because he was pretty sure Todoroki didn't mean to stab him in the gut.
Izuku tapped his foot, anxious either for the match to be called, or for Shinso to miraculously appear and take out Todoroki. To his surprise, it seemed like the first would be true, as he saw the figure of Shinso emerge from beside the massive glacier, presumably having avoided the massive attack.

But no, he hadn't avoided it, at least not completely. Izuku noticed how unsteady Shinso looked. Then he noticed the blossoming area of blood around Shinso's midriff, and his heart fell. He instantly jumped to his feet and shouted "End the match and bring out recovery girl!" Midnight and Todoroki both looked up at him in surprise, both the wrong side of the glacier to see Shinso, and it seemed no one else on his side had noticed the state Shinso was in.

It was at that moment that Shinso rounded the corner, barely on his feet, and Todoroki either ignored or didn't hear Izuku's earlier words and launched another attack. Izuku knew if it hit him, Shinso might die.

So he did what any self sacrificial idiot would do, he jumped.

And then fell.
The last thing Shinso remembered before passing out was a muffled shout that sounded somewhat like Izuku, then the sound of something rushing towards him.

He awoke to Izuku's worried face, which morphed into a smile soon after he opened his eyes. "The Insomniac lives!" Izuku said, obviously trying to lift the mood.

Shinso knew he almost died, and he'd be lying if that didn't shake him to his core, but he also needed to know what happened, so he asked.

"Well, Todoroki, like the asshole he is, didn't listen when I told him you were hurt, and may have tried to attack you again, leading me to jump down and grab you out of the way, instantly leading to you automatically forfeiting, but saving your life." Shinso tried to absorb it all, and then responded "Thanks then, for saving my life." Izuku shot him a cheeky grin, that Shinso knew was forced, and responded "anytime, purple haired friend of mine!" Shinso could just roll his eyes at his friends antics.

Shinso then remembered that Izuku's match was meant to be after his and asked "Isn't your match supposed to be on now?" Izuku replied "It was, but considering your condition and our connection, they let me make sure you were alright before I fought, which means I should be going now. Wish me luck!"

"I will, not that you need it." Shinso replied.
Izuku felt kind of bad. He may have accidentally let some of his anger at Todoroki bleed into his battle against Shiozaki, leading to him knocking her out instead of just pushing her out somehow. Luckily, she awoke only moments later, Izuku having only hit her lightly. He knew how to hold back, even when angry, unlike a certain bi-colour haired boy.

Izuku sat in a seething huff as Tokoyami overpowered Ashido, forcing her out of the marked area, beating her quite easily.

He knew the outcome of the match between Kirishima and Bakugo, Kirishima having won the arm wrestle against Tetsutetsu, almost as soon as it began. Kirishima wouldn't have a chance to retaliate as Bakugo just kept on blasting, eventually his hardening breaking and Kirishima being blown out of the ring.

Now, Izuku had to have a talk with Todoroki before the start of the third round.

He found him practically sulking in the stands, and walked up to him. Izuku cleared his throat, and Todoroki blankly turned to him and said "Yes?" Izuku glared at him, then responded "I was waiting for you to apologise for almost killing my friend." For the first time, Izuku saw a flash of something in Todoroki's eyes, but almost as soon as it appeared, it was gone.

"I let my anger get the best of me, I apologise." Izuku didn't know what Todoroki expected, but definitely didn't seem to be expecting the response Izuku gave.

"That's not good enough." Todoroki looked up, surprised evident on his face. "Excuse me?" He responded. Izuku strengthened his glare. "I said, that's not good enough. You can't excuse going over the top with 'I was having a bad day' or 'I let my anger get the better of me'. As a hero, you have to be better than that. I thought you of all people would know the danger of letting anger control you, knowing your father and all."

He saw true anger flare up in Todoroki, and he raised his voice. "I am not my father! I promised me be to use his quirk!" Izuku barely even acknowledged the outburst, and simply replied "If your suppression of "his quirk" is leaving to this, and what happened with Shinso, then you avoiding using that quirk is making you more like him than using it will." Izuku stated it clearly then turned away.

"Take my advice, or don't. I don't especially care anymore. Either way I'm going to beat you, Shoto Todoroki." Todoroki just stood there, dumbfounded. If Bakugo hadn't already told the class that Izuku was quirkless, he would have thought that he had a premonition quirk of some kind, because he said those words with such certainty, even Todoroki was starting to believe they were true.

A/N did i get obsessed and write another over 1000 word chapter? Yea I did. I hope you enjoy, and sorry to anyone who was confused when I kept saying Izuku and Bakugo would fight in this round as obviously they would not. I think I corrected all instances of it, but I may have must one or two. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and next chapter is Izuku vs Todoroki. Will Izuku prevail and move onto the final, or will Shinso be getting a new roommate in the infirmary? Let's find out!

Next time.

P.S I literally couldn't stop myself from posting this chapter

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