Camp time!

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After Aizawa had explained that it had been a "logical ruse" when he told them that whoever failed these exams wouldn't be able to go to camp, they all agreed to get supplies. They had all headed to a nearby mall, but Izuku being the paranoid boy he was had already gotten all that he'd needed for the trip before the class had even thought of a trip to the mall.

He was designated as the meeting point, and simply sat waiting for the rest of his class. He saw something out of the corner of his eye. It was someone who was stood watching some of his classmates, and Izuku saw a glee strands of bluish greyish hair protruding from the hood the man wore.

Maybe Izuku was being paranoid again, but the hair, and the cracked skin on the hands matched very well with the description his new classmates had given him of the villain who'd attacked the USJ. If he was right, he was looking at the man who had almost caused the death of his mentor, but he had to be careful. The man looked like he was about to make his way towards his classmates, so Izuku stopped him in his tracks. "Hi! I know you don't know me but I've heard so much about you I just had to stop and chat!"

The blue haired male looked at him in confusion, clearly not expecting this, especially from someone he'd never actually met. "Apparently my friends met you at the USJ? I heard it was a roller coaster of a time." He seemed to put it together. "You're the brat who came second in the sports festival? Maybe you can answer my question then." He made a grab for the boy, but he was sidestepped and stumbled slightly. "Ah ah ah. We both know it won't be beneficial to cause a scene here. For now, just ask your questions and hurt no one." Shigaraki growled, but it appeared he agreed as he relented.

They both sat down at a bench, just out of arms reach of each other. "So, what's the question?" Izuku asked, secretly texting Aizawa, who knew their location, to send the police. He couldn't look at what he was typing so he hoped it was legible enough.

"I released my Nomu's on the city, causing more damage than Stain ever did! But what does the news present?! "Stain this" and "Stain that". Stain annoys me as much as All Might does. Why do they like him so much!?"

"He has recognisable ideals, all you've done is cause destruction." Izuku replied. "I have ideals! I want to end All Might, the symbol of peace!" Shigaraki was getting really angry now. "Wait, that's it! It all leads to back to All Might, you young heroes, Stain, you all are linked to All Might. Thank you, Izuku Midoriya, you really helped." Izuku could only watch as the man walked away. "Damn it. I couldn't stall long enough." Just as Shigaraki left, the police ran in.
After a long interrogation, and many missed calls from his Mother, Shinso and his 1A friends, Izuku left the police station. Just as he was stepping out, his mother came running up to him slightly tearful. "Are you alright Izuku? You aren't hurt are you?" "I'm fine mum, I promise, I didn't even get hurt." Inko seemed to calm at that.

"Good, I didn't want to have to kill anyone." Izuku gaped at his Mother. "We are right outside a police station!" His mother simply gave a gentle laugh, which felt very wrong knowing what she'd said moments earlier. Izuku knew his mother could be terrifying, but even he wasn't prepared for her protectiveness.

He feared for any villain that may hurt him in the future.
After he convinced everyone that he was fine, including Aizawa, it seemed everyone decided to move on from the incident, and Izuku was more than fine with that.

At one point, Mineta and Kaminari came up to him to tell him about asking for some time in the pool, and Izuku knew instantly what they were up to. He'd heard from Uraraka what the girls were planning, and assumed one of the 2 boys in front of him had also heard.

So of course, he said yes. He then made a few calls, first to Iida to get him to invite everyone else, then another to Aizawa to make sure they only got access to the pool for intense, supervised training.

Either the 2 boys would quickly back out of their proposed idea, showing their true reason for going, or they'd be forced into arduous training. Either way, Izuku could laugh about it later.
Actually, it was funnier than he could have ever imagined. He saw the 2 boys appear together, cheeky grins on both their faces, only to come face to face with Iida, who quickly congratulate them on coming up with the idea of training using the pool, and a very smug Izuku and Aizawa, Shinso beside them, who Izuku had introduced to the rest of his class.

Their teacher also knew the true reason the 2 boys had approached their new classmate, and only allowed Izuku to put forward his plan because he knew it would be hilarious.

The 2 boys were practically crying as Iida dragged them over to the rest of the group for some extremely tiring training.

It was a nice break before the training camp.

After a little bit of exercise and training, someone came up with the idea for a race. Izuku knew he'd have to get tricky, and unfortunately he was against Iida in the first round. He didn't win, but he managed to come second, and wasn't too far away, so he considered it a job well done. He congratulated Iida, then watched as Bakugo and Todoroki wine their rounds. The winners, Iida, Bakugo and Todoroki, then went against each other, and Aizawa showed his watch to Izuku and Shinso, showing they had literal seconds.

The 3 boys started, Iida racing on the wires separating each lane, Bakugo blasting himself forward over the water, and Todoroki freezing the water as he went, until they all fell into the water, Bakugo coming up screeching.

Izuku almost died laughing, the events of a few days earlier completely forgotten.

A/N I'm back. Next chapter is gonna be the start of the training camp, so look forward to that.

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