Anxious boredom

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Izuku was bored. Very, very bored. He was practically stuck in his room apart from the hour he went out to train. And even then, he wasn't really free.

It wasn't like anyone was stopping him from going out, but after what happened during the last proper training session, he felt like he couldn't trust himself to stay in control of his actions. What if he accidentally hurt someone? Or what if he was found by one of the league? He knew it was unlikely, but he couldn't help what his mind came up with.

So here he sat, full of anxiety and boredom, worried for the future.

And Aizawa just happened to mention that the class would be moving into dorms soon, and would have done so earlier if Izuku had been considered well enough. He was sure the man didn't mean to put more pressure on him, but either way it did.

He tapped his foot constantly, he was almost certain the people underneath were about to file a complaint of some sort, but he couldn't stop. All the extra energy and worry kept the foot tapping.

He was getting quite annoyed with himself, letting out a growl of frustration, one which was far to deep for his normal self.

Great, his new quirk also effected some of his untransformed noises.

He needed something to punch, and he needed it now.
Shinso knocked on the Midoriya's front door. He waited patiently as he heard the small steps of Inko coming to answer.

The door opened, revealing the slightly disheveled women. "Shinso!" She smiled brightly as she recognised him. "Do come in. Izuku is in his room." Her smile wavered slightly, but he she hid it well. Shinso hoped his friend was doing alright. Or at least as well as he could be.

He gently knocked again, this time in Izuku's bedroom door. "Hey Izuku, could I come in?"

A small call of "yeah" came back, so he gently pushed open the door, seeing his friend sprawled out all over the floor, staring blankly at the ceiling.

He flinched slightly, Izuku looked so emotionless. He wishes he could do more for his friend.

He gently sat himself down on the bed, clearing his throat nervously. "So, excited to come back again?" All he got was an affirmative grunt.

"Please Izuku, talk to me. At least tell me what's wrong." Izuku sat up, staring blankly at him. Now, Shinso could see that far from being emotionless, his eyes were swimming with anger and sadness and absolute hatred. To stop it all from overwhelming him, he must've pushed all his emotions down.

But it wouldn't last for long. Eventually, something would break the emotionless outer shell. It was better to get it done now, in private, before he came back to his class.

"Izuku, I'm sorry." Izuku blinked, as if clearly seeing him for the first time. "What fo-" he didn't get to finish.

His eyes were now glazed over as Shinso's brainwashing took place. He took a deep breath. No doubt Izuku would hate him for this, and maybe forcing him wasn't the best idea, but he was trying to save him pain in the end.

It was worth it, even to lose their friendship.

"Izuku, please let your emotions free. Feel what you need to." Shinso immediately released him, stepping away just in case.

Tears cascaded from his friends eyes, as he looked up at him in betrayal. "What did you do?" Izuku spoke, his voice barely a whisper.

In a flash, he was on his feet. He leapt at Shinso, pushing him against the wall. "What did you do!"

Shinso turned his head away, unable to meet Izuku's eyes. "I just wanted to help y-" Izuku cut him off. "You don't get to decide what I need! Now get the fuck out! I never want to see you again!"

Izuku backed off, giving Shinso room to shuffle to the door. "I'm sorry, but I did it for you."

"I don't care."

Shinso walked past a very concerned looking Inko, making it out the door before the tears fell from his face. He heard quiet sobbing coming from Izuku's bedroom, and the muffled voice of Inko trying to comfort him.

He heard the boy croak out one last thing before breaking down completely.

"I trusted him..."

He didn't dare look back.
Aizawa rubbed his temple. Now both Izuku and Shinso were closing themselves of. Izuku seemed to have improved a bit, no longer completely expressionless, but he was clearly avoiding Shinso, and it was taking a toll on the purple haired teen.

During their super move training, Izuku asked to train with him. Aizawa was adept at stealth, and Izuku seemed to want to train his new ability so he could detect someone who was as proficient in stealth as he was.

Right now, in fact, he was sneaking up behind the boy. He'd be able to sneak by a few times, and was feeling quite confident in adding another. He reached to grab Izuku in a hold, their agreed upon method for capture, when the boy grabbed his oncoming arm and flipped him over, he managed to twist and land on his feet, but felt pride blossom in his chest. "I heard you step a bit to hard behind me, and waited until you were close enough." Aizawa gave a nod of approval. This was the first time he'd actually been surprised by him counterattacking.

"Next time, I'll be looking out for a throw, so simply turning in my direction will suffice." This was meant to be training to notice an enemy, not combat. "True, but there's no reason to not do both."

For the first time in quite a while, Izuku sent Aizawa a smirk, which the hero happily returned. This acceptance of his quirk, or at least part of it, and the returning of his usual personality was a very good step in the right direction.

They just had to hope he'd be ready for the provisional license exam.

A/N this is a mess, but I wanted to finish this chapter. I will be doing the license exam next, and that does mean Shinso won't be in it for a bit, due to being part of class b. Sorry Shinso fans.

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