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A/N ps. I almost gave Izuku "search" which is Ragdoll's quirk, but I thought that was too mean.

Izuku floated in this black void, his whole body trembling, he saw visions of All Might dying, over and over again. All because he'd come to save "Deku". A quirkless idiot who had gotten himself captured. Was he even that anymore? The villain had talked about giving Izuku a quirk, and it certainly felt like he'd left something in him, something foreign. It made him almost squirm, like a creeping feeling inside himself. He didn't want it, he definitely didn't need it, but now he could no longer be a quirkless hero, maybe not even a hero at all. How could he be, if he couldn't control this quirk, or if it was damaging to himself.

He had no idea what it actually was, and that terrified him, he hated not knowing. It could be anything from super strength to the simple ability to blow bubbles. Either way, all the suffering he'd endured as someone who was quirkless now meant nothing.

It was all too much for him, and so he cried.
A bit later on, he awoke. Involuntarily, he shouted "All Might!" Having just awoken from another vision of All Might's death at the hands of the villainous "master". It turned out this was Avery big mistake. The words seemed to echo around at slam into his mind, so loud it was painful.

Then all the other stimuli hit him. The beeping of hospital machinery, the texture of the blankets on the hospital bed, some idle chatter from outside. It was so loud, Izuku could barely process any of it. The stench of antiseptic invaded his nostrils, and he almost threw up it was so strong.

Everything was too much for his mind, and it shutdown once more, a voice that seemed to calling out to him fading as he fell unconscious.
"All Might!" Aizawa awoke with a start at the shouting, having dozed of beside Izuku's hospital bed. It was a few days after the incident, and Aizawa was still trying to figure out what was next, but more importantly he had to deal with the now awake Izuku.

His eyes appeared glazed over, as if still stuck in a dream or nightmare. Until suddenly, Izuku's eyes were clear, and very wide. His hands shot to his ears, and he started to whimper. Aizawa had no idea what was going on, but he tried to comfort the boy to no success.

Almost as suddenly as it had started, the whimpering stopped, and Izuku's hands fell from his ears.

Aizawa panicked slightly, and called in the doctors. They checked him over, seeing no remaining injuries. However, they did notice that his body had changed slightly, more nerves in his body, more receptors to detect smell and more sensitive ears.

It seemed that whatever had happened to him, he was now much more sensitive to all different types of stimuli. No wonder he had freaked out, he must have been extremely overwhelmed. Aizawa sat down, ready to help his student whenever he awoke again.

It was the least he could do after.... everything.

While Aizawa was waiting, Inko rushed in. Aizawa completely forgot to tell her what was going on, and was glad someone else had. Another thing he'd gotten wrong in recent times.

She was clearly holding back tears at her son's still form, sitting rigidly beside Aizawa. "The doctors said they fixed any remaining injuries. He'll be ok." Aizawa was saying that to Inko and himself.

"Maybe on the outside..." Aizawa could only hang his head, Inko was right. Izuku may never be the same again.
He felt his consciousness returning once more, and tried to fight it. He didn't want to be overwhelmed again, and he didn't know how else to stop it.

He lost, as he knew he would, eventually arising into the waking world. Everything hit him again, and he struggled for something, anything, to latch onto as an anchor for his focus.

He felt like he was floundering in this cacophony of noise, even his quiet whimpers like growling in his ears.

For a moment he heard a voice, softly calling his name. Maybe even 2 voices, he felt like he recognised them, and trying to place where was enough to distract him. He honed in on the voices, them becoming much louder as everything else started to filter out.

It was his mother and Aizawa.

Izuku let his hands fall from his ears.
Both Inko and Aizawa quietened when Izuku gave off a small whine. They looked at him, as his body began to shake slightly. Inko almost reached out to comfort her son, but Aizawa gently held her hands, silently reminding her of his and the doctor's theory.

Aizawa started quietly calling to Izuku. Soon Inko, joined in, and after a couple moments, Izuku appeared to start calming down, his face morphing into one of confusion, as if he was trying to recognise them. Aizawa almost wanted to speak louder, but he knew it wasn't worth the risk of overwhelming him again.

Slowly, his hands were removed from his ears, although his eyes were still firmly shut.

He croaked out, almost silently. "Mum? Dad?"

Aizawa would be lying if he said that didn't make his heart flutter slightly.

Inko managed to reply. "I'm here son, does anywhere hurt?" He flinched at that, reminding both adults how sensitive the situation still was.

They waited patiently as Izuku took a breath. What he said broke both Aizawa and Inko's heart even more than this entire situation already had.

"I said no Mum, I said no." He broke down in silent sobbing, and they could only watch. Aizawa understood now, the real damage that had been caused by the battle.

He'd spent his whole life fighting against a society that called him weak and worthless just because he lacked something, and after all that, all that he endured, he did have one.

And he didn't even want one.

A/N happier times hopefully from now on. Maybe not. Idk even know anymore lol. Anyway, hope you enjoyed and have a great day!

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