Coming clean

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After the incident, it was decided that the situation would be announced to both heroics classes. After it was accidentally revealed, it was deemed best to just inform all the students who would eventually find out about it in one go.

Izuku would not be present. They'd found him in the toilets again, having transformed back into his human form. It was enough for Aizawa to convince Nezu that the boy needed a few extra days off, and so he was going to be at home for the rest of the week.

It wasn't the best first day back, that was for sure.

Bakugo only got more recluse due to the incident, not even Kirishima being able to sit with the blonde for more than a couple minutes.

As much as he didn't like the kid for what he'd done to Izuku, Aizawa was worried about his students behaviour. It was so unusual for the explosive boy to be almost silent.

Maybe some counselling would do everyone some good, no one could come out of what happened to them unscathed, either physically or mentally.

As soon as he found him, he was going to punch Shigaraki as hard as he could in the face. If he could do it to probably the strongest villain of all time, he would certainly do it to that man child.

But revenge wasn't important now, making sure everyone is ok, or as ok as they could be, was.

"Hello class. Now, I haven't been asked to say this, but I do believe it is necessary. We have an on-site councillor for anyone who wants to use them. They are the pro hero Hound Dog. However, i would like everyone to have at least one session with him, no one, even an adult, could have seen what you have and come out completely fine. Izuku may be the worst impacted, but that doesn't lessen any feelings you may have. That is all."

He hoped it was enough to get through to the kids.
Shinso was starting to get angry with U.A. Not only had they brought Izuku back far too early, even if he knew his friend probably asked them to, they'd also taken far to0 long to let everyone else know about what happened in Kamino. If Izuku hadn't told him, Shinso might've "accidentally" punched the rat bastard principle.

Maybe he was being slightly overzealous, but he was very pissed off.

It didn't help that he really didn't know how his friend was doing. Izuku refused to burden those around him, but that just made Shinso worry even more about the boy.

He would make sure to go see the boy tonight, show him that he had someone else there to support him.
Izuku, not wanting to be left behind, had started doing as much training as he could at home, going to the peaceful park nearby to get some physical exercise him.

Due to it being a public place, he couldn't use his quirk, but he still didn't want to. Since his first accidental use, he'd never done it again, but he was getting better every day at cantering his focus. In a couple weeks, it may even be useful instead of a hindrance for him.

If it did, he may actually have an idea for a super move.
Bakugo blasted the whole area around him, breaking it into thousands of pieces. He knew this wasn't really training, but he needed to let off some stress. He already had his AP shot and Howitzer impact, so it wasn't like he needed to come up with a new super move.

He took a deep breath, practically gasping for air. He saw a few of his classmates, especially Kirishima, looking at him with concern.

He turned his head, tutting in annoyance. He hated any form of pity, and the looks he was being sent were too similar to that.

But he was struggling, he knew that much. It was like Aizawa said, no one, even someone who would later the number 1 hero, could go through what they've been through unscathed. He blasted himself down, landing right beside the rocky redhead himself.

"Bakubro!" The boy said excitedly. Bakugo barely withheld another tut. "Do you want to train with me Shitty hair?" He said the nickname with no malice, and the ever cheerful redhead barely batted an eye at the nickname, instead displaying his shark like grin.

"I'd love to!" Bakugo swore he was to cheerful, even more so than Izuku had been as a child, before.... him.

He shook his head. "You alright?"

There was the pity again. In response, Bakugo let out a small growl, sending out a small explosion that Kirishima barely blocked in time.

"Hey! I almost didn't block it in time." There was a slight hint of hurt in his voice, and for some reason Bakugo hated to hear it, so tried to come up with an explanation.

"And? Do you think villains will wait for you to put up your defences? Of course they won't." At that, the very enthusiastic boy's eyes lit up again.

"Oh, yeah! How about you blast me again? I want to test my endurance after the sports festival! I can't keep losing to you, Todoroki and Midoriya."

At the mention of his old friend, any happiness Bakugo may have been feeling fell away, but he hid it well. He launched himself at Kirishima, trying to distract himself with training.

But no matter what, he knew there was a presence missing in the class.

A/N like I said, losing my will to write this. Sorry it's shorter, it was a real struggle to write. I'll try and motivate myself somehow. I hope you enjoyed and have a great day.

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