Pain, eternal

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His mind showed him a variety of images, reminders of bully's, fears of the future, the full roster. He was especially worried about what happened after he had passed out.

He didn't know how long it had been, but if that gas had been a quirk, it might've been a while.

Finally, he felt his awareness return, noticing the beeping of an active hospital. At least he was somewhere safe, that must mean things couldn't have gone that wrong, right?

He lifted his head, groggily opening his eyes to the white colouring of the hospital room.

He turned, noticing a figure clad in black. He couldn't see clearly enough to have any more detail, but he knew the man was Aizawa. That eased his worries slightly more.

The man seemed to notice Shinso awaken, and lifted his own head up to meet his questioning gaze.

"They took him." Aizawa said, his voice practically monotone. Shinso knew exactly what Aizawa was saying, the pain in his eyes made it clear as day.

Shinso did not need to be told who "him" was.

Tears fell from his eyes, and he made no move to stop them.
Izuku was in pain. He hardly noticed as the villains locked him in a chair, too focused on the screaming pain in his limbs.

All he heard was muffled voices and words. He didn't know how long the pain consumed him, but it could have been an hour or even a day. His sense of time was practically non-existent. All he knew, all he could know, was pain.

In his brief moments of clarity, he heard Shigaraki talking about someone called master. "Master's coming to meet you, little prisoner. Aren't you excited!?" If Izuku hadn't thought he was insane before, he definitely did now. He was practically fanatical about whoever this master person was.

Izuku hoped he'd never have to meet the man. If even a little bit of what Shigaraki said was true, he would be one of the most dangerous villains ever.
After another period of time, possibly a couple of hours, the pain started to subside slightly. It confused Izuku slightly, it definitely hadn't been long enough to start the healing process, especially in these conditions.

His question was answer as a man in a lab coat walked in. "So, your finally awake. I've been healing you while you were passed out, so that's why you're feeling better now. Izuku thought he might have recognised the man, but the slight pain still kept his head slightly fuzzy, and the medication he'd obviously been given wasn't doing him any favours.

He decided that giving the villains anything, even recognition, would be wrong. He kept silent, and the short man seemed to get the message and sighed. "That's ok, I can do enough talking for the both of us. Not like you'll be able to tell anyone anything after we are done with you."

That certainly did not help Izuku's fears in any way, but he still listened. He'd just have to prove these villains wrong. He would prove them wrong, right?

He woke with a start, sweating slightly. He tried to slow his breathing, eventually getting it under control. It had been a few days since Izuku's capture, and Aizawa wasn't taking it well. He hadn't been getting much sleep, and his husband hadn't been getting much either due to his waking up. That only added to his sadness, and it was getting harder every day to go to work and support his remaining students. He hated that he know had to say "remaining", just because he wasn't good enough.

Any comfort from his husband, coworkers or even students was doing very little. In fact, seeing how subdued Bakugo was, and how much Shinso was closing himself off, only increased his spiralling emotions.

He kept up a front as much as he could, but it was cracking, and those who knew him best could already see it.

Recovery girl who would usually shout at him whenever he took a midday nap hadn't done so since the camp, he almost missed it at this point.

He had caused this, and he had to do something to fix it.
Aizawa sat in as they discussed possible locations of the League of Villains hideout. It seemed the police had located one base, and a tracker that Yaoyorozu had managed to put on the Nomu that was in the camp as well, something Aizawa didn't even know about at the time, gave them a second base as well.

Aizawa tapped his foot impatiently as they discussed the plan. He knew it was necessary, but he just wanted to be out there saving Izuku. Every second could count, he knew that as much as anyone else could. He saw it every nights on the streets, when he went patrolling.

He knew that it might even be too late right now, but for his own sanity he had to believe that it wasn't.

Finally, it was done, and tomorrow they would be enacting the plan, which just so happened to be when Aizawa would be doing a press conference about the incident at the camp. He growled, but he knew he still be able to make it if he rushed straight from the press conference, especially if something went wrong. He'd have to live with being backup, and he would happily do so for Izuku.
"Hey brat, look at this." Izuku awoke to Shigaraki standing in front of him, a television remote in hand. He then moved behind him, leaning his head down next to Izuku's ear, making him very uncomfortable. "The show's about to start!" The glee in his voice unsettled Izuku to no end, but he wouldn't let it show.

He heard a button being pressed, and the television sat in the base, what looked like an old bar, blared to life. It showed Aizawa, Vlad King and principal Nezu being bathed in the flashing lights of cameras. It must be some sort of press conference about what happened at the camp.

He knew his much Aizawa hated the press, and seeing him again made his eyes tear up slightly, although he blinked it away. He would stand tall (well sit tall), for Aizawa.

For as long as he was able to, he wouldn't let them win.

A/N I'll be honest, this is far from over.

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