Unwanted gift

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It was a few days later, and Izuku no longer had a panic attack at the memory of having a quirk forced into him. Not that he was over it, far from it.

Bakugo and Shinso had come to see him in the past few days, both extremely subdued, some of which may have been caused by Izuku's new predicament, but some, he was pretty sure, was guilt.

He'd have to give them both a good smack when he felt good enough. The rest of his class, and a few members of 1B, had all asked his condition, but weren't allowed to visit. Kacchan and Shinso were allowed only because Izuku insisted. They still weren't sure how Izuku's quirk worked, and didn't want to do anything that may be painful.

It all came back to his quirk, which he was learning more about everyday. He had heightened senses, that much was obvious, but there was a reason.

He now had the ability to transform into a sort of Pantha human hybrid. At least, that's what the doctors and theorised, he hadn't wanted to and hadn't been allowed to test it. They didn't want any hospital equipment damaged.

Even after anything, Izuku wanted to be able to analyse his new quirk, really dive into it and unlock all its potential. You can't cure being a fanboy.

That thought just reminded him what he'd led to. All Might, the hero, was no more. The man behind him, Yagi Toshinori, may still be alive, but the symbol of peace was dead.

He'd cried when he heard the news, and was holding in his cries now. He knew his mother would come to check on him soon, like she had everyday. She may even bring Aizawa, and Izuku didn't want to burden either of them, at least not more than he already had.

He realised that most of his class didn't even know he had a quirk now, unless Bakugo or Shinso had let it slip. His mum didn't know any of them, Aizawa certainly wouldn't tell them, so that only left the 2 boys, and he didn't think they'd tell either.

He guessed he'd have to explain it to them at some point. He was not looking forward to that conversation.

His train of thought was interrupted by his mother walking in. She looked tired and disheveled, but Izuku couldn't blame her. She'd stayed up almost every night worrying for him, and now spent a lot of her day coming to see him while the doctors ran some final tests, wanting to make sure the forceful acquisition of a new quirk hadn't damaged his body too much.

She liked to just talk about her day, probably in an attempt to distract him. It helped, but not that much.

"Hey Sweetie, I have some good news. The doctors said I'll be able to take you home today, they just have to do one last test."

He gave his mother a small smile. "Ok mum." He responded very quietly. He found that when he spoke loudly, his voice somehow bounced around his head 10x as loud, and so he was forced to be very careful when he spoke. If he was being honest, he was starting to flinch every time he spoke, just in case he was too loud.

He really hated this new quirk.
Shinso knew his friend was doing very poorly. He practically never spoke, seemed to flinch at even the lightest touch, and kept whirling round, as if hearing a threat that was not there.

He was probably just hearing people in other rooms of the apartment complex, but Shinso could see the massive strain hearing so much was putting on Izuku.

He only seemed to calm down when he had a conversation to focus on, so Shinso found himself in a lot of one sided conversations with Izuku only nodding or saying a few words in response.

At some point Aizawa must have come round and, most likely reluctantly, cleared Izuku to come back to school. Shinso knew how much Izuku wanted to get out of his home and back to training, to just move on from the incident, but they both knew it wasn't that simple. He had been changed by what happened, most likely irreversibly, and training would only make that more clear.

Izuku still hadn't tested the doctor's theory about his ability to transform, and no one was pushing him too. He'd have to eventually, but everyone near to Izuku, Inko most prominently, understood it was too soon.

Shinso sighed as he sat next to Izuku on said boy's bed. Every now and then, Izuku would flinch, probably hearing a loud noise from somewhere nearby, but otherwise he sat still.

Shinso almost jumped as Izuku leapt to his feet, racing into the main room of his house.

Shinso ran in after, almost tripping over his own feet in his haste.

He rounded the corner to see Izuku staring at his mother's hand, a small red patch visible on her skin. Tears fell from his eyes as he latched onto his mother. "I-I heard you shout in pain so I thought-I thought a villain or-"

"It's ok." Inko cut off Izuku, gently holding him. Of course he'd be even more overprotective, especially with all the noise. No offence to Izuku or his mother, but they didn't live in the best part of town, and if Izuku heard almost everything going on in and around the building, as well as having been captured by a villain only a week before, it was understandable that he'd take any sign of pain as a threat.

Shinso could only watch as his friend cried almost silently into his Mother's shoulder. He turned, walking back to Izuku's bedroom.

His best option was to leave it to the person who knew Izuku best, and Inko was definitely that person.

He was beginning to worry very heavily about Izuku's return to the classroom. Izuku wasn't ready.

Not that it had ever stopped him before.

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