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Why my friends sent me out of town on some mission to try and find out all I could about an ancient murderous vampire? I'll never quite understand the answer to that question myself. I was human, ordinary if you will. I had little to do with the supernatural world in the sense that, no one wanted me dead the way they wanted Elena Gilbert. Oh— and no supernatural creatures were in love with me the way they were with Elena either. So, they sent me to go scope out information about the infamous, big bad, vampire who apparently is also part wolf? Or is trying to be.

I was on my way back to mystic falls with just about as much information as I left with. I thought we should just trust Elijah, he seemed honest enough based off what Elena said but Damon wasn't convinced— hence the wild goose chase for information.

I traveled to a small town near Atlanta, where there was supposed to be vampires who knew more about Klaus, which was so far from true. They were almost as clueless as me... almost.

Klaus was like a really scary old wives tale, or myth like the boogie man except— he was real. Truthfully, even just knowing what he looked like might help us but he was a secretive person, at least that's what I was gathering. Klaus Mikaelson, powerful original vampire was only found if he wanted you to find him.

I needed gas but more importantly I needed food. I was only about 50 miles away from Mystic Falls when I decided I couldn't make it the rest of the way back without eating. I stopped at a small diner that looked nice enough, a little rough around the edges but maybe it just had character. It wasn't going to be a five star experience but who expects that on the side of the road stretching between small towns?

I walked inside the old diner, the bells ringing above my head as the door swung open. The place was nearly empty. There was an old couple sitting in a booth sharing a slice of apple pie and a truck driver sitting on the far end of the bar sipping what looked like coffee. I walked up to the bar and helped myself to a seat in the middle. I figured there was no sense in taking up a table for just myself— not that I thought the place was going to start hopping with business anytime soon but still.

"What can I get ya?" The old waitress who sounded like she smoked a pack or two of cigarettes per shift asked me.

"Ummm." I thought, looking down at the not so appealing menu. "How about a piece of pie and diet coke?"

"Coming right up." She nodded and headed through the swinging kitchen doors.

I looked around the old diner, taking in its rustic decor. It was charming, and it looked like the kind of place that was probably pretty popular back in the 80's. I got the feeling that now a days business only consisted of old regulars like the ones in the booth, truckers and people like me, just stopping by on a road trip.

I heard the door chimes ringing and knew that someone had come in the diner but I didn't bother turning to look at who. I didn't know anyone from here and I seriously doubted anyone I cared to meet would be walking in. I did love people watching, but now wasn't the time. I was exhausted from the stupid, long, pointless road trip I went on to appease the Salvatore brothers and of course, protect my childhood friend Elena.

The waitress walked back out from the kitchen holding my slice of pie topped with whipped cream in one hand and a clear glass filled with Diet Coke in the other.

"Here you are dear."  She smiled.

"Thank you." I nodded, instantly poking the fork into the pie and cutting myself a bite. This was my first bite of food all day. I was running on strictly iced coffee until this point, which is probably why I should have opted for something with a little more nutritious value but hey, you only live once right?

Sincerely, Yours - Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now