T h i r t y - o n e

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"Oh my god!" I gasped, rushing to Hudson's side. "Let me see it."

He held his wrist out to me. It was bleeding and already looked digusting.

A wolf bite.

"It's really not that bad." he tried to hide it. I hadn't come across any wolves in years, but I guess there was a pack in mountains here in Colorado we didn't know about. Hudson and I had been traveling for awhile, back packing through the mountains. I was trying to see everywhere I could, trying to find my favorite places since I was going to live forever.

Hudson had seen almost everywhere. He turned fifty years g and had been traveling since, thats how we met.

"It is bad Hudson!" I huffed. "It's fatal."

"Yeah..." he sighed. "I know." his face fell into a deep frown, I was staring down at the bite in disbelief. He placed his fingers gently under my chin and pulled my face up to look at him. "I'm sorry."

"No, don't apologize." I demanded. "I can fix this."

"You can't." he shook his head. "Let's just try to enjoy the little time I have left."

"There is a cure." I admitted.

He looked at me like I had three heads.

"No, there isn't." he sighed, he thought I was being delusional.

"Klaus." I couldn't believe I was saying it. I couldn't believe I was considering it. But I could not let Hudson die. "His blood is the cure."

"What?" his eyes went wide. I just nodded. "But you don't even know where he is... I mean you haven't seen him in how long?"

"Seven years." I answered. "But I know someone who can find him."


Bonnie's Locator spell led us to New Oreleans, the french quarter to be exact. I had no idea what Klaus would be doing here, but then again I didn't know anything about him anymore.

"Are you sure about this?" Hudson questioned as we walked down the street, headed towards the bar Bonnie told me he would be in.

"We get the cure, we leave." I answered. "I won't let you die."

He smiled at me greatfully and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Well, where to after?" he grinned.

"I'll let you decide." I winked and we stopped in front of Gillespie's. We looked at eachother, I nodded letting him know it would be okay, then we pulled the door open and walked inside.

The bar was half full. There was a bartender behind the counter mixing drinks for the people scattered along the barstools. Most of them were vampires, I could tell. I scanned my eyes across the room, but didn't see Klaus.

"Excuse me." I tried to catch the bartenders attention.

"What can I do for you?" he asked.

"I'm looking for someone... Klaus Mikaelson." I said.

The bartender stopped and stared at me.

"Mind telling me where I could find him?" I asked, ignoring his surprised expression.

"He's at his house with Marcel." He admitted, almost reluctantly. "Go down the road, take your first left, it'll be the first compound on the right."

"Thanks." I nodded and we walked out, heading for his house. I guess he has made a permanent residence here.

Sincerely, Yours - Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now